On the Evolution and Current Predicament of Chinese Educational Disciplinary Laws and Regulations
DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2023.116727, PDF, 下载: 293  浏览: 1,871 
作者: 潘知涵:宁波大学马克思主义学院,浙江 宁波
关键词: 教育惩戒体罚法律规制法律困境Educational Punishment Corporal Punishment Legal Regulation Legal Dilemma
摘要: 教育惩戒作为学校、教师的一项重要教育手段,在戒除、矫正学生失范行为,塑造学生高尚人格,培养学生良好习惯等方面具有至关重要的作用。文章梳理分析了我国教育惩戒法规的悠久历史和供给现状,发现,当前我国教育惩戒法律体系建设面临:惩戒权在《教师法》《义务教育法》等上位法中合法性真空;教育惩戒权的边界、适用要求缺乏相关配套法规;权利正当性存在争议等法律困境。
Abstract: As an important educational means for schools and teachers, educational punishment plays a vital role in abdicating and correcting students’ deviant behavior, shaping students’ noble personality and cultivating students’ good habits. This paper analyzes the long history and supply status of China’s educational disciplinary laws and regulations, and finds that the current construction of China’s educational disciplinary legal system is faced with: the legitimacy of disciplinary power is vacuous in Teachers Law, Compulsory Education Law and other superior laws; The boundary and application requirements of the power of education and punishment lack relevant supporting laws and regulations; There are legal difficulties such as disputes over the legitimacy of rights.
文章引用:潘知涵. 论中国教育惩戒法规的演变历程及当前困境[J]. 法学, 2023, 11(6): 5086-5091. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJLS.2023.116727


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