A Corpus-Based Comparative Study of Engagement Markers in English Debating between Chinese and Foreign Debaters
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2023.1110622, PDF, 下载: 205  浏览: 272  科研立项经费支持
作者: 杨 娜, 刘宏涛:北京工业大学文法学部,北京
关键词: 介入标记语英语辩论中外对比语料库Engagement Markers English Debate Chinese-Foreign Comparison Corpus
摘要: 英语辩论赛是两方不同立场的群体,对具有争议性的辩题进行论证和说服的过程。它十分考验辩手的综合语言表达能力,是高级语言学习者锻炼口语产出的重要手段,但目前缺乏该方面的研究。因此,本文以英语辩论为研究对象,以Hyland 介入标记语模型作为理论框架,综合英语辩论的语言特征,比较分析中外辩手介入标记语使用情况。分别总结中外辩手使用介入标记语总体分布特征和异同,以及各个子类的分布特征和异同。研究发现:1) 中外辩手在介入标记语的使用上差异性和同一性并存。2) 中外辩手在介入标记语整体、形容词谓语、听者称呼、修辞问题和共享知识单词表达上存在差异性。3) 中外辩手在命令语、义务动词、真实问题和共享知识多词表达上存在统一性。研究结果将帮助中国辩手认识当前使用介入标记语的不足之处,以此来有效改善和提高中国辩手与观众互动。
Abstract: English Debate is a process in which two groups with different positions argue and persuade on a controversial debate topic. It tests the debaters’ comprehensive language expression ability to a large extent and it is also an important means for advanced language learners to practice their oral output. But there is a lack of research on it. Therefore, taking English debate as the object of study, based on Hyland’s  engagement markers model as the theoretical framework, and synthesizing the linguistic features of English debate, this article compared and analyzed the use of engagement markers by Chinese and foreign debaters. The study summarized the overall differences and simi-larities of engagement markers used by Chinese and foreign debaters, as well as the differences and similarities of each subcategory. Here are the findings. 1) There are differences and similarities in the use of engagement markers between Chinese and foreign debaters. 2) The differences exist in the expression of engagement markers as a whole, adjectival predicates, listener mentions, rhetor-ical questions and words in appeals to shared knowledge. 3) The similarities exist in the expression of imperatives, obligation modals, real questions and multi-words in appeals to shared knowledge. These findings will help Chinese debaters recognize the shortcomings of the use of engagement markers at present, and further improve and enhance the interaction between Chinese debaters and the audience in an effective and harmonious manner.
文章引用:杨娜, 刘宏涛. 基于语料库的英语辩论中中外辩手介入标记语的比较研究[J]. 现代语言学, 2023, 11(10): 4635-4643. https://doi.org/10.12677/ML.2023.1110622


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