Thinking about Western Attribution Theory
DOI: 10.12677/ap.2011.11002, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 8,041  浏览: 16,465  国家科技经费支持
作者: 杜林致, 乐国安
关键词: 归因理论文化取向文化反思
Attribution Theory; Cultural Tendency; Cultural Thinking
摘要: 从文化反思的角度,通过系统考察西方归因理论主要流派的基本观点和研究方法,揭示其理性主义、个体主义、自由主义、竞争主义的西方文化取向;结合跨文化心理学的研究成果,分析其在归因因素、归因维度、归因偏见等问题研究上的文化缺失和文化偏见;借鉴文化心理学的启示,对中国归因问题的研究提出自己的思考。
Abstract: By means of cultural comparison, This Paper fully analyzes the views and methods of main Attribution theories, and points out that the cultural essence of attribution theory lies in rationalism, individualism, liberalism, and competitionism, which are popular in the western countries. Based on the results of the studies on the cultural differences between the eastern and western, this paper criticizes the limitations of attribution theory when it is used to explain attribution phenomena in other cultural contexts. Inspired by Cultural Psy-chology, this paper advises two principles of studying attribution in Chinese cultural context.
文章引用:杜林致, 乐国安 (2011). 西方归因理论的文化反思. 心理学进展, 1(1), 7-12. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ap.2011.11002
