Review of the Dilemma of Data Right Confirmation—Based on the Perspective of “Secondary Right Confirmation”
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2023.1210766, PDF, 下载: 286  浏览: 447  科研立项经费支持
作者: 李至辰, 陈 琛:浙江农林大学文法学院,浙江 杭州
关键词: 数据确权二次确权原始数据次生数据Data Right Confirmation Secondary Right Confirmation Raw Data Secondary Data
摘要: 数据确权,是数据交易的基础,是构建数据要素市场的应有之义。基于对数据生命周期之观察,结合大家言论,发现数据确权中存在着双重困境:数据与信息之间的关系,是横亘于数据确权的第一重困境;数据权利的内部构造,是决定数据确权研究方向的第二重困境。厘清数据与信息的迷思,需要明晰信息主体与数据处理者之间的关系;突破民法“物债二分”的桎梏,需要在数据处理者内部构建起新型的权利结构。鉴此,数据确权问题事实上被分解为“二次确权”问题:第一次确权,需要明定信息主体与数据处理者对于数据享有的权利;第二次确权则需要对数据处理者内部之间的权利进行界分。
Abstract: Data right confirmation is the basis of data transaction and the proper meaning of building a data element market. Based on the observation of data life cycle and our comments, it is found that there is a double dilemma in data confirmation: the relationship between data and information is the first dilemma in data confirmation; the internal structure of data right is the second dilemma that determines the research direction of data confirmation. To clarify the myth of data and information, it is necessary to clarify the relationship between information subject and data processor, break the shackles of “property debt”, and build a new right structure within the data processor. In view of this, the problem of data right confirmation is actually decomposed into the problem of “secondary right confirmation”: the first right confirmation needs to define the rights enjoyed by the information subject and the data processor: the second right confirmation needs to divide the boundary between the rights within the data processor.
文章引用:李至辰, 陈琛. 数据确权困境之检讨——基于“二次确权”的视角[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2023, 12(10): 5580-5590. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2023.1210766


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