Research on the Evolution and Trend of International P.E. Teacher Professional Development Based on CiteSpace Visual Measurement Method
DOI: 10.12677/APS.2023.114118, PDF, 下载: 321  浏览: 855  科研立项经费支持
作者: 刘禹涵, 李笋南:北京师范大学体育与运动学院,北京
关键词: 体育教师专业发展CiteSpace知识图谱体育教师专业发展Physical Education Teacher Professional Development CiteSpace Knowledge Map Professional Development of Physical Education Teachers
摘要: 以CNKI和WOS作为研究文献的数据平台,运用CiteSpace可视化软件分析工具,通过科学知识图谱的研究方法和逻辑分析法,对1993~2022年我国体育教师专业发展领域的主题嬗变历程与趋向研究进行可视化计量挖掘。结果表明:1) 就关键词时区知识图谱而言,从国内外发文量的时序演变情况来看,该领域研究经历了三个阶段(1993~2003年起步阶段,2004~2013年快速增长阶段,2014年至今稳定发展阶段),研究初期成果较少,研究中期和后期则呈现爆发式增长态势;2) 从关键词共现来看,国内研究高频关键词有体育教师、专业发展、专业化、教师专业化等,国外研究文献中的高频关键词主要集中在physical education、professional development、teacher、education;3) 聚类热点关键词的知识结构中,国内研究主要集中于体育教师教育、专业化等10个领域,国外热点关键词主要以exercise、physical activity等11个领域。
Abstract: Taking CNKI and WOS as the data platform for literature research, this paper uses CiteSpace knowledge graph visualization software to analyze the literature research status, hot spots and trends in the field of professional development of physical education teachers at home and abroad. The results show that: 1) In terms of time zone knowledge map, there are few results in the initial stage of the research, and an explosive growth trend in the middle and later stages of the research; 2) From the perspective of keyword co-occurrence, high frequency keywords in domestic research include physical education teachers, professional development, specialization, teacher specializa-tion, etc. The high-frequency keywords in foreign research literature mainly focus on physical ed-ucation, professional development, teacher and education; 3) In the knowledge structure of clus-tering hot keywords, domestic researches mainly focus on 10 fields such as PE teacher education and specialization, while foreign hot keywords mainly focus on 11 fields such as exercise and physical activity.
文章引用:刘禹涵, 李笋南. 基于CiteSpace可视化计量法的国际体育教师专业发展嬗变与趋向研究[J]. 体育科学进展, 2023, 11(4): 849-860. https://doi.org/10.12677/APS.2023.114118


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