Advances in Application of CBCT in Diagnosis and Treatment Designing of Mandible Fracture
DOI: 10.12677/ACRS.2012.11001, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,950  浏览: 10,772  科研立项经费支持
作者: 赖仁发, 赵清桐, 沈 山:暨南大学附属第一医院,口腔医疗中心,广州
关键词: 下颌骨骨折移位CBCT治疗Mandible; Fracture; Displacement; CBCT; Operation
摘要: 目的:探讨CBCT对诊断及指导外科手术治疗下颌骨骨折的临床意义。方法:通过临床典型病例,分析下颌骨骨折发生时作曲面断层片检查易造成漏诊/误诊,CBCT能从冠状位、轴向位、矢状位等不同的角度及方向观察颌骨骨折端。结果:CBCT能清晰了解骨折线走向及断端与骨折碎片的移位情况,能指导外科手术治疗骨折的复位与作内固定。CBCT三维重建有益颌面外科制定手术计划。 Purpose: This paper is to illustrate and discuss the importance of cone beam computed tomography for ac- curate diagnose of mandible fracture and for the guidance of the operation designing. Method: A case of maxillofacial trauma was used for this report. A 38-year-old male patient was referred to Oral and Maxillofacial Department with a history of maxillofacial trauma. The history of patient revealed a traumatic injury on his face because worksite acci- dence. The patient as initially examined and diagnosed mandible fractures by a 2D panoramic film, but there isn’t any information about the displacement of the fracture ends and we don’t know the 3D structure about fracture ends. Therefore the 3D (CBCT) was performed. Results: Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images can offer an accurate diagnosis; it can show the displacement of the fracture end, it can also give the surgeon a useful guidance for the operation process. Conclusion: CBCT is a useful tool for making an accurate diagnosis of maxillofacial trauma and can guide the operation.

文章引用:赖仁发, 赵清桐, 沈山. 利用CBCT诊断及指导手术治疗下颌骨骨折[J]. 亚洲外科手术病例研究, 2012, 1(1): 1-4. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ACRS.2012.11001


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