The Comparison of the Role of Verbal and Nounal Semantic Radicals in the Identification of Chinese Cha-racters
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2012.25042, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,425  浏览: 7,626 
作者: 李小平*, 陈 陈:南京师范大学心理学院
关键词: 义符动词名词汉字识别Semantic Radical; Verb; Noun; Recognition of Chinese Character
摘要: 采用2(词类:动词、名词) × 4(启动方式:R+S+R+SRS+RS)的重复测量设计,考察在启动字和目标字有相同的义符和语义(R+S+)、启动字和目标字有相同的义符和不同的语义(R+S)、启动字和目标字有不同的义符和相同的语义(RS+)、启动字和目标字有不同的义符和语义(RS)的启动条件下,对作为目标字的动词和名词的判别情况。结果显示,义符具有加快和阻碍汉字识别的双重作用,动词的识别要优于名词的识别,动词性义符比名词性义符在汉字识别中起的作用更大。
Abstract: The present study used a repeated measures design of 2 (target type: verbs, nouns) × 4 (prime type: R+S+, R+S–, R–S+, R–S–) to investigate the role of verbal and nounal semantic radicals in the identification of Chinese characters. The R+S+, R+S–, R–S+, and R–S– conditions indicated that the target characters were preceded by primes that 1) shared the targets’ radicals and were semantically related (R+S+); 2) shared the targets’ radicals but were not semantically related (R+S–); 3) did not shared the targets’ radicals but were semantically related (R–S+); and 4) did not share the targets’ radicals and were not semantically related (R–S–). The experiment results showed that 1) semantic radicals had a dual function in facilitating or inhibiting character recognition; 2) verbal characters had stronger effects in facilitating character recognition than nouns; 3) verbal semantic radicals had a stronger facilitating effect than non-verbal radicals on character decision task.
文章引用:李小平, 陈陈 (2012). 动词性义符与名词性义符在汉字识别中作用的比较. 心理学进展, 2(5), 268-273. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2012.25042


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