DOI: 10.12677/arl.2012.11003, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,289  浏览: 9,121 
作者: 熊 雯*:西安交通大学艺术系,西安
关键词: “极少主义”“极多主义”简化无限回归“Minimalism”; “Maximalism”; Simplify; Infinite; Regression
摘要: 西方“极少主义”与中国“极多主义”究竟有什么关系?是一种模仿?还是有本质的不同,本文拟从这一追问出发,探讨西方“极少主义”与中国“极多主义”在形式与理念上的不同,从而理解在背后支持它们的中西世界观念的不同。当然,在文章的最后,本文作者也将试图找出这一问题背后给我们的启示。 What is the relationship of Western “Minimalism” and Chinese “Maximalism”? Is it a kind of imitation or essentially different? Derived from the questioning, this paper explores the differences between of Western “Minimalism” and Chinese “Maximalism” in form and concept. The aims of this paper are to understand the different concepts of Chinese and Western culture and also to get enlightenment from this issue.
文章引用:熊雯. 妙在似与不似之间——西方“极少主义”与中国“极多主义”比较分析[J]. 艺术研究快报, 2012, 1(1): 11-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/arl.2012.11003