Research on the Legal System of Online Fundraising in China
DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2023.114315, PDF, 下载: 318  浏览: 1,074 
作者: 钱虹瑾:宁波大学法学院,浙江 宁波
关键词: 网络募捐募捐平台个人求助慈善事业Online Fundraising Fundraising Platform Personal Help Philanthropy
摘要: 网络募捐这一新的慈善募捐形式不仅推动了募捐事业的发展和普及,而且成为我国社会保障体系的有力补充。虽然慈善法等相关法律法规的出台,使募捐行为得到了调整与规范,但当前我国网络募捐立法大环境仍比较落后,实践中,网络募捐的发展还面临一些问题。对此,有必要在阐述网络募捐等相关概念与特点以及梳理相关法律制度的基础上,针对网络募捐现行法律规制的不足,加强相应的制度构建,旨在实现网络募捐法律制度的完善。
Abstract: Internet fundraising, a new form of charity fundraising, has not only promoted the development and popularity of fundraising, but also become a powerful supplement to China’s social security system. Although the appearance of the Charity Law and other relevant laws and regulations has adjusted and regulated fundraising behavior, the current legislative environment of network fundraising in China is still relatively backward, and the development of network fundraising still faces some problems in practice. In this regard, it is necessary to strengthen the corresponding system construction on the basis of elaborating the concepts and characteristics of online fundraising and sorting out the relevant legal system, in order to realize the perfection of the legal system of online fundraising in view of the shortcomings of the current legal regulation of online fundraising.
文章引用:钱虹瑾. 我国网络募捐法律制度研究[J]. 法学, 2023, 11(4): 2202-2212. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJLS.2023.114315


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