A Qualitative Exploration of the Actual Carrier’s Illegal Possession of the Transport
DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2023.114308, PDF, 下载: 221  浏览: 380 
作者: 王奕然:长春理工大学法学院,吉林 长春
关键词: 实际承运人运输物占有判断缓和的事实性占有Operating Carrier Transports Judgment of Possession Moderated de facto Possession
摘要: 实际承运人非法占有承运物的行为在司法实践中直接导向了盗窃罪和侵占型犯罪这两种入罪门槛不同的判别,直接关系到行为人罪与非罪的界定,而理论上关于该问题的讨论则存在以承运人占有为视角的占有状态判断和以委托人占有为视角的占有状态判断两种路径。在对上述两种路径的观点归纳和学说辨析之后得出,二者的区别就在于占有状态的判定依据不同。对此,从占有的概念构建出发,在保持占有的事实性和规范性的前提下主张缓和的事实性占有概念,并基于该概念从承运人的占有角度出发对其非法占有运输物的行为进行定性。
Abstract: In judicial practice, the actual carrier’s illegal possession of the carriage directly leads to the judgment of the crime of theft and the crime of embezzlement, which is directly related to the definition of the perpetrator’s crime and non-crime, while in theory, there are two paths of judgment of possession status from the perspective of carrier’s possession and possession status judgment from the perspective of principal possession. After summarizing the views of the above two paths and discriminating doctrines, it is concluded that the difference between the two lies in the different basis for determining the state of possession. In this regard, starting from the construction of the concept of possession, the concept of factual possession is admitted on the premise of maintaining the factual and normative nature of possession, and the carrier’s illegal possession of the transport is characterized from the perspective of the carrier’s possession based on this concept.
文章引用:王奕然. 实际承运人非法占有运输物行为的定性探究[J]. 法学, 2023, 11(4): 2154-2159. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJLS.2023.114308


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