Legal Regulation of Trademark Hoarding
DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2023.114307, PDF, 下载: 228  浏览: 348 
作者: 孔沫然:河南财经政法大学民商经济法学院,河南 郑州
关键词: 商标注册取得制度商标恶意注册商标囤积Trademark Registration Acquisition System Trademark Malicious Registration Trademark Hoarding
摘要: 以牟利为目的进行商标囤积属于商标恶意注册行为,需要进行法律规制。通过分析商标囤积的内涵与构成要件,可以明确商标囤积现象的根源在于我国现行商标注册取得制度存在缺陷,导致现行商标实质审查规定和“撤三制度”的实施效果大打折扣。为有效规制商标囤积行为,首先需要完善我国的商标注册取得制度,在强化商标权使用义务的同时提高囤积注册商标的成本,并强化诚实信用原则在司法实践中的适用,以此共同减少商标囤积行为的发生。
Abstract: Trademark hoarding for the purpose of profit is an act of trademark registration in bad faith and needs to be regulated by law. By analyzing the connotation and constitutive elements of trademark hoarding, it is clear that the root cause of trademark hoarding lies in the defects of the current trademark registration system in China, which has led to a significant reduction in the implementation effect of the current trademark substantive examination provisions and the “withdrawal system”. In order to effectively regulate trademark hoarding, we need to improve the trademark registration system in China, enhance the cost of hoarding registered trademarks while strengthening the obligation to use trademark rights, and strengthen the application of the principle of honesty and credit in judicial practice, so as to jointly reduce the occurrence of trademark hoarding.
文章引用:孔沫然. 商标囤积行为的法律规制[J]. 法学, 2023, 11(4): 2147-2153.


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