Legal Regulation of Network Live Broadcast with False Publicity—From the Perspective of Advertising Law
DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2023.114305, PDF, 下载: 486  浏览: 822 
作者: 王爱霞:宁波大学法学院,浙江 宁波
关键词: 虚假宣传行为广告法法律规制网络直播False Propaganda Behavior Advertising Law Legal Regulation Webcast
摘要: 互联网技术促生网络直播行业走向成熟,使网络直播带货契合广大消费者的消费行为,成为拉动经济增长的内生动力。不可否认,数字时代下网络直播带货满足了广大消费者的多样化需求,促进我国经济快速发展。但其发展中易滋生出各种不规范行为,例如“恶性化竞争”、“虚假宣传”、“直播垄断”、“大数据杀熟”等破坏市场秩序的行为。目前实践中尤为突出的问题是直播行业虚假宣传、不正当竞争,导致消费者权益受损害。以当下网络直播带货行业虚假宣传为切入点,分析实践中虚假宣传行为的运作方式,探索我国《广告法》对网络直播带货虚假宣传行为的法律规制,提出网络直播带货虚假宣传行为的广告法法律规制相关完善意见。
Abstract: Internet technology has promoted the maturity of the online live streaming industry, making online live streaming goods in line with the consumption behavior of consumers and becoming an endogenous driving force for economic growth. It is undeniable that in the digital era, online live streaming has met the diversified needs of consumers and promoted the rapid development of China’s economy. However, in its development, it is easy to breed various irregular behaviors, such as “vicious competition”, “false propaganda”, “live broadcast monopoly”, “big data killing” and other behaviors that disrupt market order. At present, the particularly prominent problem in practice is false publicity and unfair competition in the live broadcast industry, resulting in damage to consumer rights and interests. Taking the current false publicity in the online live streaming industry as the starting point, analyze the operation mode of false publicity in practice, explore the legal regulation of false publicity behavior of online live streaming goods in China’s Advertising Law, and put forward relevant improvement opinions on the legal regulation of the Advertising Law for false publicity of online live streaming goods.
文章引用:王爱霞. 网络直播带货虚假宣传行为法律规制——以广告法为视角[J]. 法学, 2023, 11(4): 2132-2141.


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