Application of Aesthetic Paradigm Shift in Periodical Design
DOI: 10.12677/Design.2023.82040, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 218  浏览: 279 
作者: 尹小锴*, 李小丽, 于 洋:海军大连舰艇学院教研保障中心,辽宁 大连
关键词: 范式转移美学转移期刊视觉设计Paradigm Shift Aesthetic Shift Journal Visual Design
摘要: 随着科技的发展和智媒时代的到来,人们的审美需求也在不断的提升,期刊作为传统出版物,在视觉设计方面存在着思维定式,缺乏时代属性。本文从美学的范式转移中提取思路,探讨其在期刊视觉设计中的应用方法及应用价值,并提出符合期刊发展趋势的前瞻性建议。对创新期刊视觉设计有一定的指导意义。
Abstract: With the development of science and technology and the arrival of the era of intelligent media, people’s aesthetic needs are constantly improving. As a traditional publication, periodical has a set of thinking in the aspect of visual design, which lacks the attributes of the Times. This paper draws ideas from the paradigm shift of aesthetics, discusses its application methods and value in the visual design of periodicals, and puts forward some forward-looking suggestions in line with the development trend of periodicals. It has a certain guiding significance to the innovative journal visual design.
文章引用:尹小锴, 李小丽, 于洋. 美学转移在期刊设计中的应用探析[J]. 设计, 2023, 8(2): 286-291. https://doi.org/10.12677/Design.2023.82040


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