A Class of Modified Generalized Quasi-Newtion Algorithms for Solving Complementarity Problem
摘要: 互补问题自被提出至今,人们对它进行了一系列研究,提出了许多有效算法,比较常用的有投影法、内点法、光滑(非光滑)牛顿法等。本文利用Fischer-Burmeister函数将互补问题转化为无约束优化问题,再利用修正的广义拟牛顿算法求解。改进后的算法经数值实验验证有良好的数值效果。
Abstract: Since the complementarity problem is proposed, people have done series of research, propose a lot of efficient algorithms, more used methods are projection method, interior-point method, smooth (nonsmooth) Newton method, etc. In this paper, complementarity problem is convert into unconstrained optimization by using Fischer-Burmeister function, then unconstrained optimization is solved by modified generalized quasi-Newton algorithm. the improved algorithm has good numerical results verified by numerical experiments.
文章引用:王炜, 贾宗伟, 韩永闯. 一类修正的广义拟牛顿法解互补问题[J]. 运筹与模糊学, 2012, 2(2): 19-24. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/orf.2012.22003


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