Problems and Perfection of Guardian Revocation System
DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2023.112063, PDF, 下载: 206  浏览: 327 
作者: 李篮艳:贵州大学法学院,贵州 贵阳
关键词: 监护制度撤销制度监护人撤销资格制度Guardianship System Revocation System System of Disqualification of Guardian
摘要: 《民法典》第36条所确立的监护人撤销制度是为保护心智能力不足的自然人而设,但在撤销监护人资格的过程以及撤销监护人资格后,存在着相关的问题有待解决,撤销监护人资格制度的运作和实行,其将事前的防控放在首要位置,然后是事后的救济。该制度在监护人的侵害行为、申请撤销的启动主体、撤销缓冲机制等方面,虽有很大的进步但仍有完善的必要。
Abstract: The system of withdrawal of guardians established in Article 36 of the Civil Code is designed to protect natural persons who are mentally incapable, but there are problems to be solved in the process of withdrawal of guardianship and after withdrawal of guardianship, the operation and implementation of the system of revocation of the Guardian’s qualifications put the prevention and control in the first place, and then the relief after the fact. Although the system has made great progress, it is still necessary to perfect in the aspects of Guardian’s infringement, initiation subject of application for revocation, revocation buffer mechanism, etc.
文章引用:李篮艳. 撤销监护人资格制度存在的问题与完善[J]. 法学, 2023, 11(2): 443-448. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJLS.2023.112063


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