The Effect of Achievement Goal Priming on Implicit Optimism Bias
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2023.121017, PDF, 下载: 152  浏览: 269 
作者: 易海静:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 成就目标内隐联想测验内隐乐观偏差Achievement Goal Implicit Association Test (IAT) Implicit Optimism Bias
摘要: 研究发现启动成就目标可以对个体的风险偏好产生影响,而金钱启动效应则会使人产生更强的内隐乐观偏差。我们采用单因素被试间设计,并采用无意识目标启动范式来检验成就目标启动对大学生内隐乐观偏差的影响。我们使用成就动机量表和艾森克人格问卷作为启动刺激,将被试随机分为成功追求组,避免失败组和无关组。使用inquisit2.0专业软件编制的Greenwald的内隐联想测验程序(IAT)测量三组被试的内隐乐观偏差水平。结果发现:成就目标启动对内隐乐观偏差不存在不显著影响;大学生存在明显的内隐乐观偏差效应,但大学生的内隐乐观偏差在性别、高低年级组、是否独生子女上差异不显著。
Abstract: It has been found that self-activated achievement goals can influence individual risk preference, and the monetary priming effect can lead to stronger implicit optimism bias. We adopt the single factor between-subjects design and use an unconscious target priming paradigm to examine the effect of achievement goal priming on college students’ implicit optimism bias. We use the achievement motivation scale and the Eysenck personality questionnaire as priming stimulus to randomly divide the subjects into the pursuit of success group and avoiding failure group and in-dependent group. And we use professional software compiled Greenwald inquisit2.0 implicit as-sociation test (IAT) program to measure implicit positive deviation of three groups of participants. The results show that there is an obvious optimistic bias effect in college students. The effect of achievement goal initiation on implicit optimism bias is not significant. The implicit optimism bias of college students is not significant in gender, grade group and only child.
文章引用:易海静. 成就目标启动对内隐乐观偏差的影响[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2023, 12(1): 122-128. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2023.121017


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