Gc-Projective (Injective) Complex under Frobenius Extension
DOI: 10.12677/AAM.2022.1112956, PDF, HTML, 下载: 243  浏览: 311  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 徐启帆:浙江师范大学数学与计算机科学学院,浙江金华
关键词: Gc-投射复形Gc-内射复形Gc-投射复形维数Gc-内射复形维数Frobenius扩张Gc-Projective Complex Gc-Injective Complex Gc-Projective Complex Dimensions Gc-Injective Complex Dimensions Ftobenius Extension
摘要: 本文利用类比归纳的方法,证明了Gc-投射(Gc-内射)复形是投射(内射)可解的,以及在Frobenius 扩张下,复形的Gc-投射性和内射性是保持的。进一步,得到了在Frobenius扩张下,复形的Gc-投射维数和内射维数是不变的。
Abstract: In this paper, by using the method of analogical induction, we prove that Gc-projective (Gc-injective) complexes are projectively (injectively) resolving and the Gc-projective (Gc-injective) properties of the complexes are preserved under the Frobenius exten-sion. Further, we obtain that Gc-Projective (Gc-injective) dimensions of the complexes are invariant under the Frobenius exteiLsion.
文章引用:徐启帆. Frobenius扩张下的Gc-投射(内射)复形[J]. 应用数学进展, 2022, 11(12): 9066-9071.


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