A Review of the Researches on the Impact of Computer Games on Players' Cognitive Ability
DOI: 10.12677/ae.2011.11004, PDF, HTML, 下载: 4,171  浏览: 16,694 
作者: 刘敏, 钟柏昌*:南京师范大学
关键词: 计算机游戏认知能力高阶能力
Computer Games; Cognitive Ability; Higher-Order Ability
摘要: 计算机游戏对玩家认知能力的影响主要包括基本认知技能和高阶能力两个方面,国内外研究者对此亦展开了重点研究。因此,通过对国内外相关文献进行梳理和分析,可以进一步明确研究的意义、重点、难点、趋势和不足,可以预言该方面的研究将在我国持续走热,成为教育游戏研究领域更为关注的对象,特别是教育游戏对玩家高阶认知能力影响的研究。
Abstract: This article reviews the researches on the impact of computer games on players' cognitive ability mainly from two aspects, one is players' basic cognitive skills, and another is players' higher-order ability. So, by way of article review, we can fatherly understand the research significance, focus, difficulty, tendency and limitation etc. we can also forecast that the researches on the impact of computer games on players' cognitive ability will continual popular in China and pay more attention to the impact of computer games on players' higher-order ability by researchers in educational games fields.
文章引用:刘敏, 钟柏昌. 计算机游戏对玩家认知能力影响的研究综述[J]. 教育进展, 2011, 1(1): 18-23. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ae.2011.11004


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