Return of the University: The Exposure of the Idea and the Reconstruction of the Functions
DOI: 10.12677/ae.2012.22004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,273  浏览: 8,903  科研立项经费支持
作者: 刘朝锋*:东北师范大学国际与比较教育研究所
关键词: 大学理念大学功能系统生活世界
The Idea of the University; Function of the University; System; Life World
摘要: 大学的危机,如大学质量的下降,独立性的降低,资金的缺乏等等,其实质是大学理念的危机。回归大学自我,揭示大学理念和重构大学功能成为必须。本文在界定了何谓大学理念和功能的基础上,通过三个方面对此进行了论述:一是寻找并确定了大学理念的基点——知识(高深学问);二是以生活世界理论为视角阐述了知识、大学与国家、社会、生活世界之间的关系;三是在前面研究基础上,最终揭示了大学理念的本质和重构了大学功能,并指出大学理念只能以生活世界为基,而国家和社会系统则赋予了大学功能,大学理念决定大学功能。
Abstract: Among the crises of the university such as the decline of quality, loss of the independency, less of the money, the crisis of the idea of a university is the essence. So return of the university is essential including exposing the idea of the university and reconstructing the functions of the university. The article defines the idea and function of the university, and then demonstrates it in three aspects: first, seeking and making sure that knowledge is the point to understand the idea of university; secondly, clearing the relationship between knowledge, university and the state, society, life-world; at last, on the research above, the idea of the university is explored and the functions of the university reconstructed. The article points out that the idea of the university roots in life world and that the state and society put the functions of the university. The idea of the university decides on the functions of the university.
文章引用:刘朝锋. 大学自我的回归:理念揭示与功能重构[J]. 教育进展, 2012, 2(2): 17-23. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ae.2012.22004


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