Elementary Education of Strategic Plan For Fiscal Years 2007-12: Objective, Strategy And Performance
DOI: 10.12677/ae.2011.11003, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,944  浏览: 9,497  国家科技经费支持
作者: 郑家莹*:西南大学教育学院;信忠义:西南大学教育科学研究所
关键词: 《2007—2012年战略规划》基础教育目标措施初效
Strategic Plan For Fiscal Years 2007-12; Elementary Education; Objective; Strategy;Performance
摘要: 美国初等教育历来以普及为己任, 而《2007—2012年战略规划》中更强调其质量的全面提高,为所有学生提供卓越的受教育机会。该规划实行期间,学生学习成绩有所提高,学校建设不断改进,教育质量明显改善。本文主要介绍了《2007—2012年战略规划》中初等教育的基本战略目标、具体实施措施及实施初步成效。
Abstract: Making elementary education universal is the main goal in America. In Strategic Plan For Fiscal Years2007-12, it aims two goals, the first is its emphasizing on high quality, the second is providing excellent chance for students to accept education. During the implement of the Plan, there’re many effects,such as students’ academic record make great progress; the school’s construction is actually improved; education quality is better than past evidently. This paper introduces the basic goals、specific steps of implement and the initial effects of the primary education in Strategic Plan For Fiscal Years 2007-12.
文章引用:郑家莹, 信忠义. 美国教育部《2007-2012年战略规划》初等教育:目标、措施及初效探析[J]. 教育进展, 2011, 1(1): 12-17. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ae.2011.11003


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