On the Characters and Narrative Features in Camus’ “The Outsider”
DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2022.103055, PDF, 下载: 598  浏览: 1,264 
作者: 徐嘉敏:南京林业大学马克思主义学院,江苏 南京
关键词: 加缪《局外人》叙事手法荒诞美学Camus The Outsider Narrative Technique Aesthetics of the Absurd
摘要: 法国存在主义文学家阿尔贝•加缪的代表作《局外人》中揭示了人与生活处境之间的冲突对立,塑造出一个荒诞英雄默尔索,表现了后现代人类的生存困境。该作品中人物形象的描写和叙事手法的呈现极具特色,其中蕴藏着丰富的荒诞美学和存在主义哲学思想,拥有深刻的精神内涵,表达出对人生意义的追问,更在叙事上力道苍劲,以独特的视角构造出别致精巧的叙事艺术。
Abstract: The French existentialist writer Albert Camus’ representative work “The Outsider” revealed the conflict and opposition between people and life situations, created an absurd hero Meursault, and showed the survival predicament of post-modern human beings. The description of the characters and the presentation of narrative techniques in this work are very distinctive, which contain rich absurd aesthetics and existential philosophical thoughts, have profound spiritual connotations, reveal the questioning of human life, and are vigorous in narrative. Construct chic and sophisticated narrative art from a unique perspective.
文章引用:徐嘉敏. 论加缪《局外人》中的人物形象与叙述特征[J]. 世界文学研究, 2022, 10(3): 354-357. https://doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2022.103055


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