The Evaluation of Operating Performance of Listed Ag-ribusiness Based on Gray Correlation Degree
DOI: 10.12677/mm.2011.11005, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,703  浏览: 13,335 
作者: 李明杰*, 朱玉林:中南林业科技大学经济学院
关键词: 农业类上市公司经营绩效灰色关联度
Listed Agribusiness;Operating Performance ;Gray Correlation Degree
摘要: 作为农业产业化经营的市场开拓者、组织者、带动者和技术创新主体, 农业类上市公司是实现农业产业化经营的营运中心、信息中心和服务中心,是带动整个农业产业链条运行和深化,带领广大农民面对市场、生产致富的关键。因此,其经营状况对于国民经济的发展具有非常重要的意义。为对我国农业类上市公司经营状况进行评价,本文选取了已经在国内上市的农业类公司作为研究对象,在建立农业类上市公司经营绩效综合评价指标体系的基础上,运用灰色关联度分析法,对这15家公司的经营绩效作了排序和评价分析。结果发现除星河生物、登海种业以及荃银高科以外,其他12家农业类上市公司经营绩效的灰色关联度得分差距不是很大,排名第4位的万象德农与排名第15位的亚盛集团两者经营绩效的灰色关联度得分之差仅为0.1082。
Abstract: As the market pioneer, organizer,promoter and technological innovation of the agricultural indus-trialization,the listed agribusiness is the operation center, information center and service center to achieve ag-ricultural industrialization,it's also the key to bring the operation and deepen the agricultural industry chain,and to led the farmers to face the market and production.Therefore,the operating performance of listed agribusiness has very important significance for the development of national economy.To evaluate the oper-ating performance of listed agribusiness in our country,we select 15 agribusinesses which has listed in Shanghai or Shenzhen as the research objects,we eliminate two businesses in order to make the data more comparable,based on the evaluation index and model which reflects the operating performance of listed agri-business,we use the method of the gray correlation degree to sort and analyse the operating performance of the 15 agribusinesses.The results show that the gap of gray correlation degree of 12 agribusinesses is not very big,except Xinghe -Shengwu,Denghai -Zhongye and Quanyin-Gaoke.The gap of gray correlation degree be-tween Wanxiang-Dengnong that ranked the fourth and Yasheng-Jituan that ranked the last is only 0.1082.
文章引用:李明杰, 朱玉林. 基于灰色关联度的农业类上市公司经营评价[J]. 现代管理, 2011, 1(1): 22-28. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/mm.2011.11005


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