Management Design—The Practical Way to Solve the Gap between the Theory and the Practice of Management
DOI: 10.12677/mse.2012.11001, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 4,008  浏览: 15,015  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 刘建一*:中国建筑材料工业规划研究院;凌峰:江苏大学工商管理学院
关键词: 管理理论管理实践设计科学管理设计
Management; Theory and Application; Management Engineering; Management Design
摘要: 管理科学知识呈现“管理理论丛林”之势后,面对浩瀚如烟的管理知识,人们在应用这些知识时经常是无所适从和无法选择,因此就产生了相应的“丛林迷失效应”,管理的理论与管理实践需求之间的隔阂愈来愈深、渐行渐远。本文从管理知识的研制与管理活动的实际需求两方面切入,对此现象进行系统分析,再结合我们二十多年来在管理设计研究与实践方面所做的工作,试图从设计科学的视角探索跨跃这一隔阂的解决途径,以期能对构建管理设计的理论知识体系做些贡献。
Abstract: After the scientific knowledge of management has become “the management theory jungle”, peo-ple who benefit from management knowledge will meet a “lost jungle effect.” In the face of more and more management knowledge, people sometimes feel confused and unable to choose. In practice, the gap between the theory and the practice of management occurred more and more deeply and the two sides are drifting fur-ther and further apart. This article probes into the causes of this phenomenon from both sides of management knowledge research and practical demand of management activity, whereby on the basis of this analysis using the concept of “design science” attempts to explore the solution which can leap the barrier. We hope to ex-plore the issues on the design problems of “management engineering”.
文章引用:刘建一, 凌峰. 管理设计——解决管理理论与实践隔阂的有效途径[J]. 管理科学与工程, 2012, 1(1): 1-7. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/mse.2012.11001


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