Design and Optimization of Intelligent Classroom Teaching in Secondary Vocational Schools Based on Knowledge Tree
DOI: 10.12677/VE.2022.113046, PDF, 下载: 286  浏览: 427  科研立项经费支持
作者: 何江琴, 程 鑫, 李佳成:贵州师范大学经济与管理学院,贵州 贵阳
关键词: 知识树中职智慧课堂教学设计与优化Knowledge Tree Wisdom Class in Secondary Vocational Schools Teaching Design and Optimization
摘要: 中等职业教育是职业教育的重要组成部分。为更好地适应中职教育教学改革和发展要求,探讨创新课程教学方法,推动“教”与“学”方式的转变成为重要的研究命题。知识树是包含知识点和知识关系的树形结构图,可以更好地呈现知识的体系结构,展现知识点之间的逻辑关联。智慧课堂是依托智能技术促进学生智慧发展的课堂。将知识树系统地应用于中职智慧课堂能够更好地结合中职学生学情特点,促进学生知识积累储备能力、学习认知能力的提高,推动个性化学习能力的培养和提升。基于知识树的教学生态能够更好地推进教学资源、教学流程、教学活动的设计与优化,提高中职课堂教学质效。研究尝试提出基于知识树的智慧课堂教学设计与优化,并探讨其实施策略。
Abstract: Secondary vocational education is an important part of vocational education. In order to better adapt to the teaching reform and development requirements of secondary vocational education, it has become an important research proposition to explore innovative curriculum teaching methods and promote the transformation of “teaching” and “learning” methods. A knowledge tree is a tree structure diagram containing knowledge points and knowledge relationships, which can better present the architecture of knowledge and show the logical association between knowledge points. Smart classroom is a class that aims to promote students’ intelligence development based on advanced technology. The systematic application of knowledge tree in smart classrooms of secondary vocational schools can promote students’ knowledge accumulation ability, learning cognitive ability and personalized learning ability. The teaching ecology based on knowledge tree can better promote the design and optimization of teaching resources, teaching process and teaching activities, and improve the quality and efficiency of classroom teaching in secondary vocational schools. The paper tries to propose the design and optimization of smart classroom teaching based on knowledge tree, and discusses its implementation strategies.
文章引用:何江琴, 程鑫, 李佳成. 基于知识树的中职智慧课堂教学设计与优化[J]. 职业教育, 2022, 11(3): 287-295. https://doi.org/10.12677/VE.2022.113046


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