The Research of Factors Affecting Consumer Channel Migration Behavior
DOI: 10.12677/mom.2012.21004, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 4,510  浏览: 17,004 
作者: 贾雷:厦门大学管理学院;周星, 韦荷琳
关键词: 渠道迁徙PPM模型影响因素
Channel Migration; PPM Model; Factors
摘要: 网络经济的来临,使消费者形成了一股从离线渠道迁徙到在线渠道的潮流。本文借鉴人口迁徙理论中的PPM模型,从渠道特征和消费者特征的角度分析了消费者从离线渠道迁徙到在线渠道的影响因素,研究发现离线渠道的推力作用和在线渠道的拉力作用与消费者的渠道迁徙意向具有正相关的关系,且拉力作用比较明显,而渠道间的锚定作用与消费者的渠道迁徙意向具有负相关关系,说明锚定作用会阻碍消费者渠道间的迁徙。据此,提出了针对多渠道企业的营销启示和研究的不足以及未来的研究方向。
Abstract: The advent of network economy, make the consumer formed a trend of movement from offline to online channels. This paper uses PPM model in the theory of migration and analyzes the factors influencing consumers from offline to online from the characteristic of consumers and channel characteristics, the study found that there are the positive correlation between the push effects of offline, pull effects of online and the migration intention and effect of pulling more obvious, there are the negative relationship between mooring effects of channels and migration intentions, indicating that the mooring effects will impede movement be-tween the consumer channel. Accordingly, the paper brings up multi-channel enterprise’s marketing enlighten-ment and limitations of the study and the future research direction.
文章引用:贾雷, 周星, 韦荷琳. 消费者渠道迁徙行为影响因素研究[J]. 现代市场营销, 2012, 2(1): 18-25. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/mom.2012.21004


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