Study on Application of Flower Bourn in Urban Green Space
DOI: 10.12677/WJF.2012.13003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,526  浏览: 12,537 
作者: 杜培明*:南京旅游职业学院
关键词: 花境应用园林绿地Flower Bourn; Application; Green Space
摘要: 花境是绿化景观的重要组成部分,在大力推进城市绿化建设、改善城市生态环境过程中,能够体现城市精神与品味的一种可持续性景观。花境的运用和推广,正适应了人们追求自然气息的需求,适应了提高园林景观效果的需求,适应了园林绿化建设与发展的需求。花境在提升城市地位、打造城市形象的过程中,将会起到日益重要的作用。
Abstract: The Flower Bourn is an important part of the green environment. Vigorously promote urban greening in the construction process to improve the urban ecological environment, to reflect the spirit of the city and the taste of a sustainable landscape. The use and promotion of the Flower Bourn are adapted to the needs of people seeking natural flavor, adapted demand for landscape effect, adapted to the landscape construction and development needs. During improving the urban environment and creating the image of the city, the Flower Bourn will play an increasingly important role.
文章引用:杜培明. 花境在城市园林绿地中的应用研究[J]. 林业世界, 2012, 1(3): 17-23. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WJF.2012.13003


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