The Feasibility Analysis of Application of Condenser Tube Cleaning System to the Domestic Nuclear Power Plant
DOI: 10.12677/SD.2012.24024, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,309  浏览: 7,653 
作者: 陶志伟, 高 超*:中广核工程公司设计院
关键词: 凝汽器在线清洗可行性分析 Condenser Tube Cleaning System; Feasibility Analysis
摘要: 本文主要讨论将凝汽器在线清洗装置应用于核电厂的可行性。对该系统的技术可行性、经济可行性、运行风险以及工程设计进行分析,认为核电厂可安装凝汽器在线清洗装置,且经济效益十分可观。
Abstract: This article mainly focuses on the feasibility of applying Condenser Tube Cleaning System to the domestic nuclear power project. Through acknowledging the situation of the application both home and abroad, analyzing on aspects range from the technical feasibility, economic feasibility, potential risks to engineering design plan and other aspects that as a conclusion, Condenser Tube Cleaning System can be installed on domestic nuclear project and its economica efficiency is very considerable.
文章引用:陶志伟, 高超. CTCS在核电厂应用的可行性分析[J]. 可持续发展, 2012, 2(4): 176-180. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SD.2012.24024
