Edge Coloring of the Signed Product Graphs of Paths and Forests
DOI: 10.12677/AAM.2022.113104, PDF, HTML, 下载: 290  浏览: 432 
作者: 王雅静:浙江师范大学,数学与计算机科学学院,浙江 金华
关键词: 符号图乘积图森林边染色Signed Graphs Product Graphs Paths Forests Edge-Coloring
摘要: 2019 年, Behr 利用符号图的边染色概念证明了对于任意的符号图(G, σ)都有∆(G, σ) ≤ χ' (G, σ)  ≤  ∆(G, σ) + 1, 其中χ' (G, σ)是(G, σ)的边染色数, ∆(G, σ)  是(G, σ)的最大度。 本文我们证明了在路和森林的符号乘积图(Pn□Tm, σ)中,其中Pn和Tm分别是有n个顶点的路和有m个顶点的森林,当n > 2且∆(Tm) > 1时,则χ' (Pn□Tm, σ) = ∆(Pn□Tm, σ)。
Abstract: 2019, Behr used the concept of edge coloring of signed graphs to prove that for any signed graphs (G, σ) there is ∆(G, σ) ≤ χ' (G, σ) ≤ ∆(G, σ)+1, where χ' (G, σ) is the number of edge coloring of (G, σ), ∆(G, σ) is the maximum degree of (G, σ). In this paper, we prove that in the signed product graphs of paths and forests (Pn□Tm, σ), Pn and Tm are respectively paths with the number of n vertices and forests with the number of m  vertices.  When  n > 2  and  ∆(Tm) > 1,  then  χ' (Pn□Tm, σ) = ∆(Pn□Tm, σ).
文章引用:王雅静. 路和森林的符号乘积图的边染色[J]. 应用数学进展, 2022, 11(3): 973-979. https://doi.org/10.12677/AAM.2022.113104


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