Construction and Implementation of Curriculum Politics System in Introduction to Civil Engineering
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2022.103065, PDF, 下载: 503  浏览: 729  科研立项经费支持
作者: 张友恒, 王玉洁, 付 旭:北华航天工业学院建筑工程学院道桥工程系,河北 廊坊
关键词: 土木工程概论土木工程导论课程思政CDIOConspectus of Civil Engineering Introduction to Civil Engineering Curriculum Politics CDIO
摘要: 本文介绍了将传统的土木工程概论课程升级为土木工程导论并融入课程思政的课程改革。改革将课程知识传授、能力培养、价值塑造有机地融合在土木工程导论课程中。升级为土木工程导论课程参照了CDIO理念,增加了为培养学生综合能力而增设的校区道路规划设计和人行天桥概念设计实践项目。开展课程思政改革先精心挖掘土木工程导论课程中蕴含的课程思政元素,然后选择最契合该课程的思政元素融合到课程理论授课和项目实践中,培养了学生的爱国主义、家国情怀、四个自信以及健康的职业观念。并改革考核方式为学生自评、组员互评、全员质询、教师核定的“四位一体”式评分法,最大化激发学生的学习主动性和团队协作竞争力。
Abstract: This paper introduces the curriculum reform of upgrading the traditional conspectus of civil en-gineering to introduction of civil engineering, and integrating curriculum ideological and political elements into the course. Through the reform, the teaching of curriculum knowledge, ability training and value shaping are organically integrated into the introduction of civil engineering. The introduction of civil engineering is based on the CDIO concept, adding the campus road planning design and the pedestrian bridge conceptual design practice for the training of students’ comprehensive ability. To carry out the curriculum ideological and political reform, first carefully excavate the curriculum ideological and political elements contained in the introduction of civil engineering course, and then select the ideological and political elements most suitable for the course to be integrated into the curriculum theory teaching and project practice, so as to cultivate students’ patriotism, national feelings, four self-confidence and healthy professional concepts. The “four in one” scoring system is introduced to evaluate students’ self-evaluation, team members’ mutual assessment, full staff questioning and teachers’ approval, which maximizes students’ learning initiative and teamwork competitiveness.
文章引用:张友恒, 王玉洁, 付旭. 土木工程导论课程思政体系的构建与实施[J]. 创新教育研究, 2022, 10(3): 379-384. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2022.103065


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