A Comparative Study on the Competitiveness of Chinese Manufacturing
DOI: 10.12677/WER.2022.111004, PDF, 下载: 600  浏览: 877 
作者: 徐敏捷, 王 雷:东华大学旭日工商管理学院,上海
关键词: 制造业市场份额贸易竞争力指数产业竞争力创新IMS TC Industrial Competitiveness Innovation
摘要: 人口红利消失,制造业生产成本陡增,外围市场增长乏力,中国制造业正面临以上难题。如何解决中国制造向中国创造转型,并持续提升产业国际竞争力,成为亟待解决的问题。本文运用1993~2019年中国贸易出口增加值数据,测算制造业市场份额IMS和贸易竞争力指数TC,并与美国、德国、日本和韩国进行横向对比发现:1) 中国制造业整体产业竞争力连续11年保持世界第一;2) 中国制造业以劳动密集型产业出口为主,高端技术产业优势弱,仍处于进口替代;3) 计算机制造业和黑色金属加工业在国际市场上具有较强的比较优势。针对上述分析结论,本文从企业和政府两个角度提出政策建议。
Abstract: The demographic dividend has disappeared, the production cost of manufacturing has risen sharp-ly, and the growth of the external market is weak. China’s manufacturing industry is facing the above problems. How to solve the transition from Made in China to Created in China and continu-ously improve the international competitiveness of the industry has become an urgent problem. This paper uses China’s trade export value added data from 1993 to 2019 to calculate the manu-facturing market share IMS and trade competitiveness index TC, and compares horizontally with the United States, Germany, Japan and South Korea, and finds 1) China’s overall manufacturing in-dustry competitiveness. It has maintained the number one position in the world for 11 consecutive years; 2) China’s manufacturing industry is dominated by labor-intensive exports, and the high-end technology industry has weak advantages and is still in import substitution; 3) Computer manufac-turing and ferrous metal processing industries have a strong presence in the international market. In response to the above analysis and conclusions, this article proposes policy recommendations from both the enterprise and government perspectives.
文章引用:徐敏捷, 王雷. 中国制造业产业竞争力横向对比研究[J]. 世界经济探索, 2022, 11(1): 37-50.


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