A Case of Long-Term Complication of Faecal Impaction after PPH
DOI: 10.12677/ACM.2022.121060, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 405  浏览: 520 
作者: 刘 椰:西安医学院,陕西 西安;李雪红:陕西省人民医院,陕西 西安
关键词: PPH术术后远期并发症Hemorrhoids PPH Long-Term Postoperative Complications
摘要: 本文报道了1例56岁女患者,因排便困难2月入院,查体可触及肠壁下肿块,质硬无压痛,超声及MRI均第一时间误诊为直肠良性肿瘤,经术中探查切开直肠包块,可见硬粪石嵌顿,结合既往PPH手术史,考虑为PPH术后远期并发症。结合本例患者的症状、体征、辅助检查及查阅现有文献,充分了解PPH可能存在的术后远期并发症,了解该病的病因、症状、诊断、鉴别诊断及治疗方案,避免漏诊、误诊。
Abstract: This paper reports a 56 years old female patient who was admitted to hospital in February due to difficult defecation. The mass under the intestinal wall can be touched by physical examination. The mass is difficult without tenderness. Both ultrasound and MRI were misdirected as benign rectal tumor for the first time. After interpretative exploration and incision of rectal mass, hard fecal stone incarceration can be seen. Combined with the previous history of PPH operation, it is seen as a long-term complication after PPH operation. Combined with the symptoms, signs, auxiliary examinations and existing literature of this patient, we can fully understand the possible long-term postoperative complications of PPH, understand the etiology, symptoms, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment plan of the disease, and avoid missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis.
文章引用:刘椰, 李雪红. PPH术后远期并发症粪石嵌顿1例[J]. 临床医学进展, 2022, 12(1): 399-403. https://doi.org/10.12677/ACM.2022.121060

1. 引言

痔作为一种常见病多发病,目前诊断、治疗已达成基本共识,PPH (吻合器痔上黏膜环切术)作为目前我国治疗重度痔的热门方法,存在疼痛小、恢复快等一系列优点,但对其存在的术后并发症尤其是远期并发症的报道较少,现我们报道一例PPH的罕见远期并发症。

2. 病历资料

患者女,56岁,因排便困难2月于2021年10月23日来我院就诊,患者2月前无明显诱因出现肛门排便困难,排便时间较长,约10分钟,粪便变细,有里急后重感,排便不尽感明显,肛门下坠不适,无肛门潮湿瘙痒。查体:体温37.2℃,心率105次/分,呼吸20次/分,血压111/78 mmHg,心肺腹查体未见明显异常,肛门指诊:肛门括约肌无松弛或痉挛,肛内1.7点距肛缘4 cm直肠壁下可触及肿块,质硬,表面光滑,触痛不明显,无波动感,指套退出未染脓血。完善相关辅助检查提示:经直肠360°腔内超声结合高频浅表超声检查:肛提肌平面上方相当于直肠壶腹水平两旁显示不规则弧形强回声,右旁距阴道后壁约0.5 cm处:上下径约2.6 cm、横径2.5 cm,左旁距阴道后壁约0.32 cm处:上下径约2.8 cm,横径1.9 cm,后伴宽大声影,CDFI示其内未见明显血流信号,周围组织未探及异常回声,局部直肠肠腔呈受压改变(图1)。结论:肛提肌平面上方相当于直肠壶腹水平两旁弧形强回声,结合MRI,考虑1) 畸胎瘤;2) 其他。直肠MRI平扫 + DWI示:直肠下段两侧壁壁间分别可见两枚椭圆形长、等T1短T2信号影,DWI呈低信号,ADC值约为0.1~0.15 × 103 mm2/s,大小分别为3.3 cm × 2.4 cm,3.1 cm × 2.1 cm,

Figure 1. The dotted line indicates an irregular arc. The left side of the sonogram is from the left side of the posterior vaginal wall, and the right side of the sonogram is from the right side of the posterior vaginal wall

图1. 虚线所指为不规则弧形超声。图左为距阴道后壁左旁,图右为距阴道后壁右旁

向壁外隆起,距肛缘约4.4 cm (图2)。结论:直肠两侧壁内异常信号影,倾向于良性病变。1) 平滑肌或间质来源肿瘤性病变伴钙化?2) 黏膜下皱褶间粪石嵌顿可能。(此为术后修正报告。)遂术前诊断为直肠间质瘤,后于2021-10-26在椎管内麻醉下拟行直肠间质瘤切除术。术中见:扩肛9点直肠距肛缘4 cm处有瘘口,3点钟有包块,可见粪便。自9点瘘口处卵圆钳钳夹出多块硬粪块,超声刀自3点直肠包块切开,可见硬粪块,助手食指进入阴道,按压阴道后壁,大量硬粪块自3点瘘口及切口溢出(图3图4)。术中诊断:直肠异物。遂行经肛门直肠异物取出术及直肠粘膜部分切除术。术后给予患者换药、抗感染等对症治疗,患者好转出院。

Figure 2. The arrow indicates the abnormal signal shadow in the intestinal cavity. The left side is sagittal and the right side is cross-sectional

图2. 箭头所指为肠腔内异常信号影。左侧为时失状位,右侧为横截位

Figure 3. The submucosal mass of rectum can be seen after anal dilatation on the left, and the assistant can press the posterior wall of vagina to push the mass into the rectal cavity on the right

图3. 左侧为术中扩肛后可见直肠黏膜下包块 右侧为助手按压阴道后壁将包块推向直肠肠腔内

Figure 4. On the left is the hard fecal mass seen after incision of submucosal mass, and on the right is the hard fecal mass seen after complete removal of fecal mass

图4. 左侧为将黏膜下包块切开所见硬粪块 右侧为将粪块完全取出后所见

3. 讨论

痔是一种人类发病率高的良性疾病,在结直肠疾病中排名第一,据估计,全球患病率在2.9%~27.9%之间,其中4%的患者有明显的症状,这些患者中约三分之一需要治疗 [1] [2]。目前,关于痔的形成病因,肛内衬下滑学说(The theory of sliding anal canal lining)已形成广泛共识,即痔是肛管内支持组织退化造成的。因此,痔是一种肛垫下滑引起的静脉曲张的病理过程 [3] [4]。临床上,依据痔的外观和脱垂程度可分为I~VI度,称为Goligher分度,I、II度痔推荐保守治疗,或可采用套扎法及硬化剂注射治疗,但后者常常易复发;而对于III、VI度痔来说,传统的痔切除术(Ferguson/Milligan-Morgan/Ligasure haemorrhoidectomy)仍然是国内外治疗的金标准。但此类手术对于患者而言,往往疼痛难以接受。吻合器痔上黏膜环切术[stapled haemorrhoidopexy also known as procedure for prolapse and haemorrhoids (PPH)]是近几年我国治疗重度痔的热门方法,是通过吻合器将直肠黏膜环形切除、断端吻合,使痔体减小、肛垫上提、阻断痔区血流,从而达到治痔的目的 [5]。由于切除的是直肠组织,PPH作为一项简单、快速的手术,在随机对照试验和系统综述中,与传统的痔切除术相比,明显减少了镇痛需求、缩短了住院时间,使患者更快速的恢复 [6] [7] [8]。但大量Meta分析表明,对于Ⅵ度痔而言,行PPH的患者存在较高的复发率,往往需要再次手术 [9] [10]。除此之外,PPH目前仍然存在不可忽视的术后近期并发症,如出血、感染、尿潴留、吻合口瘘、穿孔,严重者会引起腹膜后、盆腔、会阴部的脓毒血症,常常危及患者的生命。此外,由于订仓导致的直肠黏膜刺激症状往往长期困扰多达术后约三分之一的患者,常常表现为里急后重,部分患者症状严重难以忍受甚至需要移除订仓 [11]。但PPH的远期并发症,目前来说较少报道。




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