Investigation and Analysis of the Current Situation of Outdoor Tourism Club Development in Yuncheng City
DOI: 10.12677/APS.2022.101004, PDF, 下载: 321  浏览: 552  科研立项经费支持
作者: 钟 帅:运城学院文化旅游系,山西 运城
关键词: 户外旅游俱乐部发展现状Outdoor Tourism Club Development Current Situation
摘要: 本文运用文献资料法、实地访谈法、问卷调查法对运城市商业户外旅游俱乐部发展现状进行调查得出,俱乐部区域分布不合理;行业宣传和促销方式以电视广播为主;服务男性的项目比重较大,经营服务项目单一,配套服务不完善;教练员多数没有经受专业户外旅游指导培训,专业实践基础不扎实,在一定程度上可能影响户外旅游俱乐部外在形象和感召力;户外旅游消费者年轻人较多且男性最多等。因此,应当通过多种宣传方式和促销方式吸引女性户外旅游,扩大女性消费,以拓宽俱乐部的经济收入渠道,采取多种宣传和促销方式,完善和改进户外旅游设备,适当增加女性户外旅游项目,形成综合户外旅游项目俱乐部。
Abstract: This article uses literature method, field interview method, questionnaire survey method and mathematical statistics method to investigate the development status of Yuncheng commercial outdoor tourism clubs. It is found that the regional distribution of Yuncheng outdoor tourism clubs is unreasonable; the industry publicity and promotion methods are television. Broadcasting is the mainstay; the proportion of projects that serve men is relatively large, the operating services are single, and the supporting services are not perfect. Various publicity and promotion methods should be adopted to improve outdoor tourism equipment to attract the masses’ outdoor tourism consumption to the greatest extent, to promote the rapid development of outdoor tourism clubs, appropriately increase women’s outdoor tourism projects, and form a variety of comprehensive outdoor tourism clubs.
文章引用:钟帅. 运城市户外旅游俱乐部开展现状的调查与分析[J]. 体育科学进展, 2022, 10(1): 25-30. https://doi.org/10.12677/APS.2022.101004


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