On the Teaching of Guangdong Folk Songs Based on the Original Music Teaching Concept
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2022.121009, PDF, 下载: 498  浏览: 665  科研立项经费支持
作者: 黄俊澎, 王炜瑾:广东第二师范学院音乐系,广东 广州
关键词: 原本性音乐本土化探究广东民谣音乐教学Original Music Localization Research Guangdong Folk Music Music Teaching
摘要: 广东民谣作为一种岭南音乐文化,它呈现出的是岭南音乐文化独特的艺术魅力。广东民谣作为岭南音乐文化的重要载体,随着时代经济不断发展和变革,大城市的多元化发展越来越迅速,本土文化受到外来文化的不断影响和冲击,广东民谣发展也因为创新性不高、新作品较少出现了困境,因此影响范围也越来越小,甚至逐渐淡出人们的视野。原本性音乐教育理念作为世界优秀教学法,开创了音乐教学的新模式。将原本性音乐教学理念融入传统民谣教学,并从多方面视角出发,为广东民谣未来的发展创设新方向。
Abstract: As a kind of Lingnan culture, Guangdong folk music presents the unique artistic charm of Lingnan music culture. Guangdong folk music is regarded as an important carrier of Lingnan culture. With the continuous development and reform of the economy of the times, the diversified development of big cities has become more and more rapid, the local culture has also suffered the continuous influence and impact of foreign culture, which has also brought many difficulties to the development of Guangdong folk music, including low innovation and lack of new works. Therefore, its influence scope is becoming smaller and smaller, and even gradually fades out of people’s vision. The educational concept of original music, as an excellent teaching method in the world, has created a new model of music teaching. In this paper, the original music teaching concept is integrated into the traditional folk music teaching, which will create a new direction for the future development of Guangdong folk music from various perspectives.
文章引用:黄俊澎, 王炜瑾. 基于原本性音乐教学理念下的广东民谣教学探究[J]. 教育进展, 2022, 12(1): 44-51. https://doi.org/10.12677/AE.2022.121009


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