Research of the Process Conflict for Complex Product Based on Graph Model
摘要: 为解决复杂产品研制中的过程冲突,建立了冲突分析的图模型。通过对决策者、策略、状态转移、不确定偏好的分析,从四种稳定性(Nash、GMR、SMR、SEQ)的定义出发寻求均衡解。以飞机在研制中的过程冲突为例,重点考虑了不确定偏好下的均衡解,并且预测了整个冲突事态的演变趋势,从而验证了模型的有效性。为决策者对整个冲突事态的掌控提供了重要的决策依据。
Abstract: To solve process conflict in the development of complex product, the graph model for conflict resolution was established. By analyzing decision makers, policy, state transition, and preference uncertainty, equibria based on the four definitions of stability (Nash, GMR, SMR, and SEQ) are calculated. Illustrative example of process conflict for manufacture of airplanes focuses on equibrium solution under the uncertain preferences, and forecasts the evolution of the whole conflict. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the graph model. It provides important basis for policy makers to control the whole conflict situation.
文章引用:韩雪山, 徐海燕, 廖创, 王倩倩. 基于图模型的复杂产品过程冲突研究[J]. 现代管理, 2012, 2(1): 39-44. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/mm.2012.21008


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