Case Intervention Study on Family Education of Children with ADHD
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2021.118215, PDF, 下载: 341  浏览: 615 
作者: 朱海燕, 赵希希*:华北理工大学心理与精神卫生学院,河北 唐山
关键词: 多动症注意力个案研究ADHD Attention Case Study
摘要: 多动症(Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)又称为注意力缺陷障碍/多动障碍,患有注意力缺陷或者多动症障碍的儿童容易在课堂上以及作业任务完成的过程中出现注意不集中,甚至是捣乱的现象,同时更大可能性地出现学业成绩困难的情况,在与同龄人、父母和老师的关系中也容易出现相关的问题。主要问题是活动过多、注意力不集中、对立违抗障碍、焦虑症等。在此基础上引导父母转变教育方式,同时通过制定干预方案来提高其专注力、提高自信心,进而取得好的成效。
Abstract: ADHD is also called attention deficit disorder/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Children with attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder are prone to inattention or even trouble in class and in the process of completing homework tasks. At the same time, academic difficulties are more likely to occur, and related problems are also prone to appear in the relationship with peers, parents and teachers. The main problems are too much activity, lack of concentration, oppositional defiant disorder, anxiety disorder, etc. On this basis, guide parents to change their education methods, and at the same time, and improve their concentration and self-confidence through the development of intervention programs, so as to achieve good results.
文章引用:朱海燕, 赵希希 (2021). 多动症儿童家庭教育的个案干预研究. 心理学进展, 11(8), 1922-1927. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2021.118215


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