A Study of Linguistic Features of Donald Trump’s Addresses from the Perspective of System Functional Grammar
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2021.94120, PDF, 下载: 465  浏览: 791 
作者: 宋芳慧:东北财经大学,辽宁 大连
关键词: 系统功能语法每周电台演讲语言特点System Functional Grammar Weekly Address Linguistic Features
摘要: 本文通过采取韩礼德系统功能语法中概念功能,人际功能和语篇功能的三大元功能对特朗普《每周电台演讲》进行语言特点的分析。在概念功能分析中,我们选择及物性作为分析工具对特朗普《每周电台演讲》语言特点进行分析。通过及物性分析,我们发现特朗普总统最常使用物质过程小句,其次是运用关系过程小句和心理过程小句。在人际功能分析中,特朗普利用低值情态动词夸大事实传递不确定性,规避不确定性的潜在风险;使用中值情态动词来获得更多的受众支持;而高值情态动词则多用于向他人或相关机构提出要求。在语篇功能分析中,通过分析标记性主位小句和显性互文性发现这两项在特朗普《每周电台演讲》中较少出现,这可能是由于特朗普总统原有商人身份,决定了他直白的语言表达方式。
Abstract: The current research focuses on the analysis of the linguistic features of Donald Trump’s Weekly Address, and Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar is adopted, laying stress on figuring out how Weekly Address achieves its ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function. In terms of ideational function, transitivity is chosen as tool to make the analysis of linguistic features of Donald Trump’s Weekly Address. According to transitivity analysis, material process clauses are most frequently used. Relational process clauses take up the second prominent place. Mental process clauses take up the third place. As for interpersonal function, modality auxiliaries are used to make the analysis. And among modality auxiliaries, low value auxiliaries take up a high percentage of auxiliaries in Donald Trump’s Weekly Address which could stretch the truth and avoid the potential risks of uncertainty. Median value auxiliaries gain more support. And high value auxiliaries are often used to make requests to others. In terms of textual function, marked theme clauses and intertextuality are analyzed. It is concluded that Donald Trump hardly exploits these two strategies because of his original identity of businessman.
文章引用:宋芳慧. 系统功能语法视角下特朗普演讲语言特点分析[J]. 现代语言学, 2021, 9(4): 889-898. https://doi.org/10.12677/ML.2021.94120


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