Abnormal Systemic Artery Supply to Normal Basal Segment of the Left Lower Lobe: A Case Report and Literature Review
DOI: 10.12677/ACM.2021.116417, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 491  浏览: 801 
作者: 衣腾飞*, 宋桂松, 邵盛腾, 刘晓彤, 陈福晖, 刘玉洪#:青岛大学附属医院胸外科,山东 青岛
关键词: 异常体动脉肺脏血管畸形外科手术Abnormal Systemic Artery Lung Vascular Malformation Surgery
摘要: 异常体动脉供血正常左下肺基底段是一种比较罕见的血管畸形,故易与其他肺部疾病如肺隔离症、支气管Dieulafoy病、肺动静脉瘘等疾病混淆,且易漏诊。现报道1例51岁男性,异常体动脉供血正常左下肺基底段,行胸腔镜左下肺血管成形术和肺部分切除术,术后随访1月余咯血症状消失且无并发症出现。
Abstract: Abnormal systemic artery supply to normal basal segment of the left lower lobe is a relatively rare vascular malformation, so it is easily confused with other pulmonary diseases such as pulmonary sequestration, bronchial Dieulafoy disease, pulmonary arteriovenous fistula, and is easy to misdiagnose. A 51-year-old man with abnormal systemic artery supply to normal basal segment of the left lower lobe underwent thoracoscopic left lower pulmonary angioplasty and partial pulmonary resection. Hemoptysis symptoms disappeared without complications after one month of postoperative follow-up.
文章引用:衣腾飞, 宋桂松, 邵盛腾, 刘晓彤, 陈福晖, 刘玉洪. 异常体动脉供血正常左下肺基底段一例及文献复习[J]. 临床医学进展, 2021, 11(6): 2872-2879. https://doi.org/10.12677/ACM.2021.116417

1. 前言

异常体动脉(anomalous systemic artery, ASA)供血正常左下肺基底段是指起源于胸降主动脉的异常体动脉弯曲向上供应支气管和肺实质发育正常的左肺下叶基底段,伴或不伴肺动脉供血的先天性血管畸形。此病易与肺隔离症、支气管Dieulafoy病、肺动静脉瘘等疾病混淆;胸部增强CT可明确诊断。现报道青岛大学附属医院收治的1例异常体动脉供血正常左下肺基底段病例,总结其临床及影像学表现,进而减少漏诊率及误诊率。

2. 病例资料

患者男性,51岁,2020年10月出现间断性咳嗽、咳痰,伴痰中带血,无胸闷、憋气,无低热、盗汗,无心悸、胸痛。近日出现咯血症状,遂于2021年4月13日急诊入院。既往高血压病史8年余,规律服用缬沙坦氢氯噻嗪(缬沙坦80 mg氢氯噻嗪12.5 mg) qd,血压控制在145/80 mmHg;否认心脏病史;吸烟史40年,饮酒史30年;否认家族遗传性疾病。查体:双肺呼吸音清,各瓣膜听诊区未闻及病理性杂音。胸部增强CT及三维重建显示左肺门下部饱满,见增粗的胸主动脉分支供应左下肺基底段,左肺门下部异常动脉伴混合型斑块、附壁血栓(如图1~4所示)。动脉血气分析显示氧分压为73 mmHg。

Figure 1. CT lung window shows patchy soft tissue density shadow in the left lower lobe near the hilum

图1. CT肺窗示左肺下叶近肺门处见斑片状软组织密度影

经科内讨论,于2021年4月15日全麻下行胸腔镜左肺下叶血管成形术和左肺下叶部分切除术。进镜见供血左下肺的异常血管源于降主动脉,游离下肺韧带后,可见该动脉形态迂曲,直径约1 cm (如图5所示);用endo棕钉于近心端约3 cm处闭合切断该动脉;继续向肺内游离约2 cm切断动脉残端,并闭合器切除部分肺组织。术后病理:肺组织部分肺泡腔扩张,内见含铁血黄素沉着(如图6(a)所示);血管扩张充血,厚壁血管内膜见粥样硬化斑块并胆固醇结晶裂隙形成,腔内见血栓形成并机化再通(如图6(b)所示)。术后1个月咯血症状消失,复查胸部CT正常且无并发症发生(如图7所示)。本案例报道已获得患者本人的知情同意。

3. 讨论及文献复习

异常体动脉(anomalous systemic artery, ASA)供血正常左下肺基底段是指起源于胸降主动脉的异常体动脉弯曲向上供应支气管和肺实质发育正常的左肺下叶基底段,后经下叶肺静脉回流入左心房的一种罕见的先天性血管畸形。大多发生于左肺下叶,男性多见 [1] [2]。

ASA供血左下肺的病因尚不明确,目前认为与主肺动脉发育时供应肺芽的原始主动脉未正常退化有关 [3]。胚胎发育的第4~6周,气管、左右主支气管、叶支气管及段支气管逐渐出现,同时供血肺芽的原始支气管动脉逐步退化,被肺动脉取代。但若各种因素导致肺和原始支气管动脉交通,即可出现源于降主动脉的ASA供应正常肺组织的现象 [4]。病理表现一般为肺泡内充血伴含铁血黄素沉积,ASA供血形成的长期高压血液会致肺间质血管发生不可逆改变,ASA管壁增厚,部分出现玻璃样变及粥样硬化,甚至形成血栓 [5]。

该病最常见的症状是咯血,可能是由于左向左分流导致体动脉的高压供血使肺组织充血 [6] [7]。另外,临床上支气管扩张、肺结核、肺恶性肿瘤及肺动静脉畸形也会导致咯血 [8],但在排除上述疾病后,要考虑到ASA供血正常肺组织这一罕见病。通常胸部增强CT可明确诊断,但若对本病缺乏认识则易误诊为肺隔离症、支气管Dieulafoy病和肺动静脉瘘。1946年,Pryce [9] 首次提出将异常体动脉供血肺组织分为3种类型。有学者认为ASA供血左肺下叶属于I型叶内型肺隔离症 [3] [10]。然而,虽肺内隔离症(Pryce I)也有ASA供血,但存在隔离肺组织发育畸形且与正常支气管不相连 [10] [11]。所以,肺隔离症更易发生感染,患者以咳嗽、咳痰、胸闷、发热为主要表现。关于肺隔离症的形成目前有2个学说,分别是血管发育不全和Pryce学说 [9]:后者认为在胚胎期,原肠及肺芽周围有许多内脏毛细血管与背主动脉相连,

Figure 2. Chest CT shows a thickened thoracic aortic branch supplying the basal segment of the left lower lobe

图2. 胸部CT显示增粗的胸主动脉分支供应左下肺基底段



(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Figure 3. (a)~(f) Contrast-enhanced CT demonstrates abnormal vascular alignment from the descending thoracic aorta

图3. (a)~(f)增强CT示源自胸降主动脉的异常血管走行

Figure 4. Three-dimensional reconstruction demonstrates a large abnormal vessel (arrow) arising from the anterior and inferior part of the thoracic aorta

图4. 三维重建示胸主动脉前下方发出一粗大的异常血管(箭头)

Figure 5. An abnormal vessel from the aorta was found to be about 1 cm in diameter and curved upward intraoperatively

图5. 术中见源于主动脉的异常血管弯曲向上,直径约1 cm

(a) (b)

Figure 6. The results of postoperative microscopic pathological section. (a) Some alveolar lumens were dilated and there was hemosiderin deposition; (b) Vascular dilatation and congestion, atherosclerotic plaques in thick-walled intima, thrombus formation in lumen (red arrow) and mechanized recanalization (blue arrow)

图6. 术后显微镜下病理切片结果。(a) 部分肺泡腔扩张,内见含铁血黄素沉着;(b) 血管扩张充血,厚壁血管内膜见粥样硬化斑块,腔内见血栓形成(红色箭头)并机化再通(蓝色箭头)

(a) (b)

Figure 7. Chest CT was reexamined 1 month after surgery

图7. 患者术后1个月后复查胸部CT

竭、异常体动脉破裂等。因此,出现临床症状时一般需干预治疗,但标准的治疗方式尚未确立 [12],常用的治疗有肺叶切除、肺段切除、血管结扎、血管吻合术和经导管动脉栓塞术(TAE)等 [10]。关于不同治疗方式的效果如何目前尚无研究。本病例采取胸腔镜左下肺血管成形和肺部分切除术,这种治疗方法不仅可避免TAE治疗可能带来的肺梗死和栓塞材料迁移所致非靶动脉栓塞等并发症,还可减轻高压ASA对肺血管床的压力,校正左–左分流以减轻心脏负荷。另外,胸腔镜手术具创伤小、疼痛小、手术时间短及术后并发症少等优点,此治疗方法可作为患者的最佳选择。Kuo [13] 等人收治了一例以咯血为主要症状的70岁女性患者,三维重建示ASA与左肺动脉相通后共同供应左上肺,但因ASA弯曲致使TAE无法进行,最终选择胸腔镜异常血管结扎和舌段切除术,随访2年后患者咯血症状消失且无并发症出现。由此,传统的血管栓塞术可作为肺叶切除和肺段切除术的替代治疗方式 [14]。除此之外,目前为止报道了3例ASA供血肺基底段治疗上采取异常血管和肺动脉吻合的病例。Hessel成功诊治一名5岁的ASA供血左下肺基底段患者;2003年,Iizasa [15] 等人对一名30岁患者实施血管吻合术且保留肺基底段,但术后半年复查分流现象并未改善;2018年,Kim及同事 [16] 采用同样的方法治疗了一名婴儿患者,术后3年肺血流灌注显像明显改善。我们分析30岁患者接受血管吻合术后效果不佳的原因可能是体动脉的长期高压影响致动脉内皮增厚、粥样硬化使得吻合术后血管相通能力下降;而在动脉可逆性改变的婴儿则未出现此现象。因此,血管吻合术也需结合患者病情谨慎选择。

4. 结论



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[16] Kim, D.W., Jeong, I.S., Kim, J.H., et al. (2018) Operation for an Anomalous Systemic Arterial Supply to the Left Lower Lobe Using an Anastomosis Procedure in an Infant. Journal of Thoracic Disease, 10, E301-E303.
[17] Higuchi, M., Chida, M., Muto, A., et al. (2013) Anomalous Systemic Arterial Supply to the Basal Segments of the Lung. Fukushima Journal of Medical Science, 59, 93-96.
[18] Mautone, M. and Naidoo, P. (2014) A Case of Systemic Arterial Supply to the Right Lower Lobe of the Lung: Imaging Findings and Review of the Literature. Journal of Radiology Case Reports, 8, 9-15.
[19] Anil, G., Taneja, M. and Tan, A.G. (2012) Endovascular Treatment of Isolated Systemic Arterial Supply to Normal Lung with Coil and Glue Embolisation. The British Journal of Radiology, 85, e83-e86.
[20] 吴挺挺, 王陆, 赵大海, 等. 异常体动脉供应正常下肺基底段三例并文献复习[J]. 中华结核和呼吸杂志, 2017, 10(40): 749-754.
[21] 虞栋, 孙希文, 揭冰, 等. 血管内栓塞治疗异常体动脉供应正常左下肺基底段[J]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版), 2011, 5(24): 7413-7416.
[22] Irodi, A., Cherian, R., Keshava, S.N. and James, P. (2010) Dual Arterial Supply to Normal Lung: Within the Sequestration Spectrum. The British Journal of Radiology, 83, e86-e89.
[23] Bhalla, A.S., Gupta, P., Mukund, A., et al. (2012) Anomalous Systemic Artery to a Normal Lung: A Rare Cause of Hemoptysis in Adults. Oman Medical Journal, 27, 319-322.
[24] Abdulmalak, C., Cottenet, J., Beltramo, G., et al. (2015) Haemoptysis in Adults: A 5-Year Study Using the French Nationwide Hospital Administrative Database. European Respiratory Journal, 46, 503-511.
[25] Pryce, D.M. (1946) Lower Accessory Pulmonary Artery with Intralobar Sequestration of Lung: A Report of Seven Cases. The Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, 58, 457-467.
[26] Jiang, S., Shi, J.Y., Zhu, X.H., et al. (2011) Endovascular Embolization of the Complete Type of Anomalous Systemic Arterial Supply to Normal Basal Lung Segments: A Report of Four Cases and Literature Review. Chest, 139, 1506-1513.
[27] Chang, J.M., Cheng, J.H., Chen, W., et al. (2012) An Unusual Cause of Hemoptysis in a Young Woman. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 93, 1734.
[28] Albertini, A., Dell’Amore, A., Tripodi, A., et al. (2008) Anomalous Systemic Arterial Supply to the Left Lung Base without Sequestration. Heart Lung and Circulation, 17, 505-507.
[29] Kuo, C.-L., Lin, K.-H., Ko, K.-H. and Huang, T.-W. (2019) The Aberrant Systemic-Pulmonary Artery Communication: Three-Dimensional Image Simulation. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery, 14, Article No. 35.
[30] Mori, S., Odaka, M., Asano, H., et al. (2013) Anomalous Systemic Arterial Supply to the Basal Segments of the Lung: Feasible Thoracoscopic Surgery. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 96, 990-994.
[31] Iizasa, T., Haga, Y., Hiroshima, K. and Fujisawa, T. (2003) Systemic Arterial Supply to the Left Basal Segment without the Pulmonary Artery: Four Consecutive Cases. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 23, 847-849.
[32] Kim, D.W., Jeong, I.S., Kim, J.H., et al. (2018) Operation for an Anomalous Systemic Arterial Supply to the Left Lower Lobe Using an Anastomosis Procedure in an Infant. Journal of Thoracic Disease, 10, E301-E303.