Research on the Key Issues to Be Considered in the Development of China’s Intensity-Based Emissions Trading Market
摘要: “节能减排”的可持续推进需要依赖市场机制的配合。考虑到我国的经济发展阶段特征以及国家的碳强度减排承诺,中国有必要建立基于强度限制的碳交易市场。不同于总量交易,强度交易在指标设定、交易机制、管理机制等方面都具有自身的特点。本文通过对国际上强度交易市场发展的梳理以及对强度交易特点的研究,结合我国节能减排的工作特点,分析了我国建立碳强度交易市场需要考虑的一些关键问题。
Abstract: The sustainable development of China’s energy saving and emissions reduction policy needs the support of market mechanism. Taking into account the characteristics of China’s economic development stage and the country’s intensity-based emission reduction commitments, China has the need to develop emi- ssions trading market with intensity-based emission caps. Different from the cap-and-trade emissions pro- gram, the intensity-based emissions trading program has its own characteristics in target setting, trading mechanism and management, etc. Through the study on the development of international emissions trading market with intensity-based emission caps and its characteristics, this paper discusses the key issues to be considered in the development of China’s intensity-based emissions trading market.
文章引用:陈红敏. 中国建立基于强度限制的碳交易市场的关键问题研究[J]. 可持续发展, 2012, 2(1): 6-12.
