A Case Report of an In-Service Female’s Test Anxiety
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2021.114123, PDF, 下载: 446  浏览: 619 
作者: 黄 芳:深圳大学师范学院,广东 深圳
关键词: 一般心理问题焦虑情绪放松训练合理情绪疗法General Psychological Problems Anxiety Relaxation Training Rational Emotive Therapy
摘要: 本案例求助者一心想考上公务员,屡战屡败、接连受挫引发焦虑情绪,并伴有一些焦虑情绪的典型症状。协商后首先引导求助者实施了放松训练,缓解了焦虑情绪的严重程度,在此基础上采用了合理情绪疗法,帮助其改变不合理信念和错误的思维方式,并辅助以自信心恢复训练,经过五次咨询最终实现了咨询的具体目标,并致力于促进求助者人格完善和心理健康。
Abstract: In this case, the client wanted to be a civil servant, and she suffered many setbacks, resulting in anxiety, accompanied by some typical symptoms of anxiety. After the consultation, the consultant first guided the client to receive relaxation training to alleviate the severity of anxiety. On this basis, the consultant used rational-emotive therapy to help her change her irrational beliefs and wrong way of thinking, and assisted with self-confidence recovery training. After five consultations, finally achieved the specific goal of consultation, and committed to promoting the personality improvement and mental health of the client.
文章引用:黄芳 (2021). 一例在职女性考试焦虑的案例报告. 心理学进展, 11(4), 1095-1102. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2021.114123


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