"人工智能+" 在小学语文课堂教学中应用的策略分析
Analysis on the Strategy of “Artificial Intelligence+” Applied in Chinese Classroom Teaching in Primary Schools
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作者: 李凤萌:定西市定安区东关小学,甘肃 定西
关键词: 人工智能小学语文课堂教学应用策略artificial intelligence; primary school Chinese; classroom teaching; application strategies
摘要: 小学阶段的学生存在一个很大的特点,即:思维不够发散、注意力不集中以及兴趣爱好广泛,这些 都影响着学生的发展。为此,教师应从小培养学生养成良好的学习习惯,并具有正确的观念、多方面的技能。人 工智能是一个新的技术,它是科技发展的象征,其能够带动教学进入更好的阶段。同时,人工智能在语文教学中 应用广泛,且优点颇多,教师需要正确选择。
Abstract: Primary school students have a big feature, that is: insufficient divergence of thinking ability, inattention, and a wide range of hobbies, all of which affect the development of students. To this end, teachers should cultivate students from an early age to develop good study habits, and have correct concepts and various skills. Artificial intelligence is a new technology, it is a symbol of technological development, and it can drive teaching to a better stage. At the same time, artificial intelligence is widely used in Chinese teaching and has many advantages. Teachers need to choose the right one.
文章引用:李凤萌. "人工智能+" 在小学语文课堂教学中应用的策略分析[J]. 电脑校园, 2020, 1(8): 61-64.


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