Effects of Self-Depletion and Pain Empathy on Altruistic Behavior under Different VR Scenarios
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2021.112050, PDF, 下载: 480  浏览: 745 
作者: 李拂晓:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 利他行为自我损耗独裁者博弈VR情景Altruistic Behavior Self-Destruction Dictator Game VR Scenario
摘要: 本研究通过控制不同的自我损耗状态与VR情景,来探究自我损耗与战争情景,以及个体的疼痛共情水平对大学生利他行为的影响。被试为西南大学学生97名。其中女生71名,男生26名。自我损耗状态通过Stroop实验范式的色词一致与色词不一致控制,VR情景分为中性情景与消极战争情景,并用独裁者博弈中分配给他人的金钱作为因变量来表示被试的利他水平。数据分析得到的结论如下:1) 自我损耗状态能够显著地降低了被试的利他行为,说明利他行为是一种理性的认知控制下的结果;2) VR战争与中性情景下被试的利他行为虽然没有显著的差异,但战争情景下被试减少了分配给他人的金额,这或许是因为VR战争情景能够引发消极情绪,而消极情绪会减少利他行为的产生有关;3) 疼痛共情水平与本研究中的利他行为没有显著相关。
Abstract: The present study aimed to examine the impact of ego-depletion, war scenarios and pain empathy level on altruistic behavior of college students by controlling different self-depletion states and VR scenarios. In this study, participants were 97 college students from the southwest university (71 females, 26 males). The state of self-depletion was controlled by the color word consistency and the color word inconsistency in the Stroop experiment paradigm. The VR scenes were divided into a neutral scenario and a negative battle scenario, and used the money allocated to other participants in the dictator game as a dependent variable to represent the participants’ Altruism level. Through SPSS20.0 analysis of the data, the main conclusions were as follows: 1) The state of self-depletion could significantly reduce the altruistic behavior of the subjects, indicating that altruistic behavior is a result of rational cognitive control; 2) There was no significant difference in altruistic behaviors between participants in the VR war and neutral situations. However, participants in war situations reduced the amount which they allocated to others, because the VR war scene could trigger negative emotions and negative emotions would reduce altruistic behavior; 3) The level of pain empathy was not significantly related to the altruism in this study.
文章引用:李拂晓 (2021). 不同VR情景下自我损耗及疼痛共情能力对利他行为的影响. 心理学进展, 11(2), 439-450. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2021.112050


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