Preliminary Investigation on Plant Resources in Maolan Nature Reserve Scenic Spot
DOI: 10.12677/BR.2021.101011, PDF, 下载: 498  浏览: 718  科研立项经费支持
作者: 杨婷婷, 陈正仁, 张雁泉*, 莫家伟, 覃池萍:贵州省茂兰国家级自然保护区管理局,贵州 荔波;莫 杨:荔波金鑫旅游服务公司,贵州 荔波
关键词: 茂兰景区植物资源现状及保护Maolan Scenic Area Plant Resources Current Situation and Protection
摘要: 为了解茂兰风景区物种多样性和生存现状,按照海拔高度和植被类型等因子的差异,采用样方法对茂兰生态旅游景区主要游览线路两侧物种资源进行调查,根据不同的群落外貌和组成划分对应的群落类型。结果表明,景区植物类型具有明显的多样性特点,共有植物174种(包括变种和少数栽培种),隶属69科130属。笔者对这些植物进行了初步研究,以期对茂兰风景区植物多样性的监测和保护及可持续发展提出意见和对策。
Abstract: In order to understand the species diversity and survival status of Maolan scenic spot, species resources on both sides of the main tour routes of Maolan ecotourism scenic spot were investigated by sampling method according to the differences of altitude and vegetation types, and the corresponding community types were divided according to the appearance and composition of different communities. The results showed that there were 174 species (including varieties and a few cultivated species), belonging to 69 families and 130 genera. This paper makes a preliminary study on these plants in order to put forward suggestions and Countermeasures for the monitoring, protection and sustainable development of plant diversity in Maolan scenic area.
文章引用:杨婷婷, 陈正仁, 张雁泉, 莫家伟, 覃池萍, 莫杨. 茂兰保护区景区植物资源初步调查研究[J]. 植物学研究, 2021, 10(1): 73-78. https://doi.org/10.12677/BR.2021.101011


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