Investigation and Analysis on The Elderly Care in Guangde City
DOI: 10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2021.61001, PDF, 下载: 571  浏览: 1,274 
作者: 周明凯:东北育才学校高中部,沈阳,中国;熊倩倩:广德市第三中学,宣城,中国;曾晓庆:广德中学,宣城,中国;张翔宇:东北大学信息科学与工程学院,沈阳,中国
关键词: 社区养老养老设施社会调查Community Pension Facilities for the Aged Social Survey
摘要: 中国传统的家庭养老在今天仍起着积极的作用。我国的经济发展水平和人口老化的发展趋势决定着未来相当长时间内家庭养老和社会养老并存是我国的主要养老模式。如何解决养老问题是社会的一大难题。本文对宣城广德市的养老服务情况进行调查,在审视社区空间资源的基础上,结合养老机构与社区的负责人访谈,分析了老年人养老的意愿及需求,提出了促进养老服务升级的相关政策建议。
Abstract: Chinese traditional family support for the aged still plays a positive role today. The level of economic development and the trend of population aging determine that the coexistence of family pension and social pension is the main pension mode in China for a long time in the future. How to solve the pension problem is a big social problem. This paper investigates the elderly care service in Guangde City, Xuancheng City. On the basis of examining the space resources of the community, combining with the interviews of the elderly institutions and community leaders, this paper analyzes the wishes and needs of the elderly, and puts forward relevant policy suggestions to promote the upgrading of the elderly care service.
文章引用:周明凯, 熊倩倩, 曾晓庆, 张翔宇. 宣城广德市养老情况调查分析[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2021, 6(1): 1-8. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2021.61001


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