Environmental regulation, Urbanization and Green development
DOI: 10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2020.51032, PDF, 下载: 754  浏览: 1,476 
作者: 张平淡, 陈 臻:北京师范大学,经济与工商管理学院,北京
关键词: 环境规制城镇化绿色发展绿色全要素生产率Environmental Regulation Urbanization Green Development Green Total Factor Productivity
摘要: 绿色发展是新时代新型城镇化工作的目标导向。使用2006~2016年中国260个地级及以上城市人口和土地城镇化的面板数据,采用绿色全要素生产率度量绿色发展,引入环境规制作为调节变量和门槛变量,深入探讨了环境规制、城镇化与绿色发展之间的关系。实证结果表明,对于全样本城市,城镇化对城市绿色发展有显著的负向影响;城镇化对环保重点城市绿色有显著的负向影响,对非环保重点城市绿色发展有显著的正向影响。进一步,环境规制本身有利于绿色发展;且在环境规制的调节作用下,城镇化对全样本城市绿色发展的负向影响不再显著;当环境规制强度达到门槛值时,城镇化对于环保重点城市的绿色发展有显著的正向作用,对非环保重点城市的绿色发展仍有显著的正向影响。
Abstract: Green development is the goal of new urbanization as socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a “new era.” This paper collects the panel data for 260 prefecture-level cities from 2006 to 2016 and divides the 260 cities into cities with key environmental protection and without key environmental protection. From the aspects of population urbanization and land urbanization, this paper uses the panel fixed effects model to investigate how the urbanization influence green development which is proxied by green total factor productivity. Furthermore, selecting environmental regulation as a moderating variable and threshold variable, this paper investigates the moderating effect of environmental regulation on the relationship of urbanization and green development. These results indicate that, without the influences of environmental regulation, urbanization significantly inhibits China's green development; Urbanization significantly inhibits green development of key environmental protection cities while significantly promotes green development of non-key environmental protection cities. Under the influences of environmental regulation, environmental regulation significantly promotes green development, and the joint effect of environmental regulation and urbanization has an insignificant negative impact on the green development of all cities. When the degree of environmental regulation crossed the threshold, urbanization significantly promotes green development of key environmental protection cities, and the role of urbanization in promoting green development increases gradually in non-key environmental protection cities.
文章引用:张平淡, 陈臻. 环境规制、城镇化与绿色发展[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2020, 5(1): 1-14. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2020.51032


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