The Neonatal Gallstone with Syndactyly: A Case Report
DOI: 10.12677/ACM.2020.1011417, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 437  浏览: 576  科研立项经费支持
作者: 胡 祎*, 马晓娟#, 胡丽蓉, 罗 瑜, 冯梦娟:成都市第一人民医院超声科,四川 成都
关键词: 新生儿胆囊结石并趾Neonatal Gallstone Syndactyly
摘要: 随着产前超声系统性筛查的发展,胎儿各系统异常的疾病发现越来越多。关于胎儿胆系异常的研究逐年增加,胎儿胆系异常以胎儿型胆囊结石多见,不同时期的胎儿型胆囊结石其预后不尽相同,发生时期越早预后越差,预产期超声发现胎儿胆囊结石产后大多消失,极少数发展成新生儿胆囊结石。新生儿并趾多为常染色体显性遗传,产前诊断困难。本研究回顾性分析胎儿胆囊结石进展为新生儿胆囊结石合并并趾1例,目前国内外尚无新生儿胆囊结石合并并趾畸形的相关报道,二者是否相关也相关文献参考,本研究详细分析了该病例的临床资料及超声声像图资料并复习相关文献,旨在提高产前超声对该少见病诊断及认识。
Abstract: With the development of prenatal ultrasound system screening, more and more abnormal fetal diseases were found. Studies on fetal gallbladder anomalies have been increasing year by year, fetal gallbladder abnormalities are more common in fetal gallbladder stones, the prognosis of fetal gallbladder stones in different periods is not the same, the earlier the occurrence period, the worse the prognosis, ultrasound during the due period found that fetal gallbladder stones mostly disappeared postpartum, very few developed into neonatal gallbladder stones. Neonatal syndactyly is mostly autosomal dominant, and prenatal diagnosis is difficult. This research progress in fetal gallbladder calculus was retrospectively analyzed for the newborn gallstones merger and toe in 1 case, there is no baby at home and abroad gallstones merger and toe deformity of the related reports, the related literature is whether it is related to the reference, this study analyzed the clinical data of the case data and review related literature, and sonographic findings were aimed at improving prenatal ultrasonographic diagnosis and understanding of the rare disease.
文章引用:胡祎, 马晓娟, 胡丽蓉, 罗瑜, 冯梦娟. 新生儿胆囊结石合并并趾1例[J]. 临床医学进展, 2020, 10(11): 2738-2742. https://doi.org/10.12677/ACM.2020.1011417

1. 引言


2. 临床资料

患者女,29岁,G1P0,2019年11月25日于我院产科建卡,月经周期正常,自然受孕,无药物使用及致因素接触,无妊娠相关性疾病,产前筛查及唐氏筛查均无异常。患者24周行产前系统筛查超声所示胎儿胆囊无异常(图1),孕37周行常规超声所见:宫内声晚孕单活胎,胆囊床旁未见胆囊显影(图2),1 h后再次查看,超声显示胆囊呈收缩状态,胆囊内无明显胆汁,内充满点状细密的稍强回声,最大直径3.5 mm (图3)。该患者随后一周后复查,结果与37周所示相同(图4),产后发现新生儿并趾(图5),产后1月复查胆囊超声,显示胆囊囊内可见一直径3 mm的强回声伴声影,诊断为新生儿结石(图6)。

Figure 1. Normal gallbladder in the fetus during mid-pregnancy

图1. 中孕期胎儿正常胆囊

Figure 2. The fetal gallbladder in late pregnancy is not shown

图2. 晚孕期胎儿胆囊未显示

Figure 3. Foetal gallstone at 36 weeks

图3. 孕36周胎儿胆囊结石

Figure 4. Foetal gallstone at 37 weeks

图4. 孕37周胎儿胆囊结石

Figure 5. Newborn syndactyly

图5. 新生儿并趾

Figure 6. Neonatal gallstone

图6. 新生儿胆囊结石

3. 讨论

胎儿胆囊结石是指胎儿期胆囊内发现泥沙或团状强回声,后方伴或不伴声影,为较少见的胎儿期疾病,1983年Beretsky首次报道胎儿胆囊结石 [1] [2]。胎儿胆囊结石的病因、发病机制及临床转归仍不清楚,其假说主要3种观点 [2] [3] [4]:① Fanoff等认为胎盘早剥出血,可间接引起胎儿胆囊结石;② Brown等认为孕妇雌激素水平增高为引起胎儿胆囊结石的因素;③ Beretsky等认为孕妇溶血性贫血、胎儿胆总管囊肿等先天性畸形可引起胎儿胆囊结石。极少数胎儿胆囊结石发展为新生儿胆囊结石,胎儿胆囊结石为动态变化过程,超声无辐射,诊断准确,可作为胎儿、新生儿胆囊结石的首选诊断方法 [5]。近年来随着胎儿胆系异常的研究,国内外学者对胎儿型胆囊结石的报道日渐增多 [6] [7],多以散发病例及个案报道为主。

本病例产后发现新生儿胆囊结石合并并趾,目前国内外无文献报道新生儿胆囊结石合并并趾的病例。并趾是一种常见的先天性畸形,主要表现为相邻两趾或两趾以上及其相关成分的先天性病理性融合 [8]。主要病因为常染色体显性遗传,其次是常染色体隐性遗传及X-连锁隐性遗传 [9]。因目前国内外尚无文献报道新生儿胆囊结石合并并趾病例,因患者产前无创DNA显示无相关愚型染色体畸形,产后发现并趾,因其外公存在第4、5足趾并趾情况,作者认为该病例新生儿胆囊结石与染色体异常无明显相关性,胎儿型胆囊结石与并趾为相对独立存在的异常发育,但不能排除特殊类型综合征,因目前国内外无此类疾病的报道,二者是否存在相关性,可多此病人多胎妊娠进行随访或本患儿的子代进行随访方可获得更多信息,需大样本及大数据进行分类排查,本文旨在提高产前、产后超声及临床医师对并趾合并胎儿/新生儿胆系检测的重视。







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