Research on Application Risk and Supervision of Blockchain Technology in the Financial Industry
DOI: 10.12677/ETW.2020.102002, PDF, 下载: 875  浏览: 1,748 
作者: 刘小兵:中华女子学院创业学院,北京;刘曼红:中国人民大学财政金融学院,北京
关键词: 区块链金融行业风险分析政策建议Blockchain Financial Industry Risk Analysis Policy Analysis
摘要: 区块链技术是以分布式数据存储、点对点传输、共识机制、加密算法等计算机技术在互联网时代的创新应用模式,其在信息记录、智能交易、数据安全、信任机制等方面具有独特优势。这个特点与金融行业的高要求契合度高,在金融行业有着巨大的应用价值和广阔前景。本文重点从区块链技术在金融行业应用风险角度,从技术特征、金融行业应用领域、风险及防控和政策思考等层面逐一进行介绍和分析。
Abstract: Blockchain technology is an innovative application mode of computer technology in the era of in-ternet, such as distributed data storage, peer-to-peer transmission, consensus mechanism, encryp-tion algorithm, etc. It has unique advantages in information recording, intelligent transaction, data security and trust mechanism. This feature has a high degree of fit with the high demands of the fi-nancial industry and has great application value and broad prospects in the financial industry. This article focuses on the application of blockchain technology in the financial industry from the per-spective of risks, and introduces and analyzes one by one from the aspects of technical characteris-tics, financial industry application fields, risks, prevention and control, and policy thinking.
文章引用:刘小兵, 刘曼红. 区块链技术在金融行业的应用风险与监管研究[J]. 财富涌现与流转, 2020, 10(2): 9-14. https://doi.org/10.12677/ETW.2020.102002


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