Practical Turn of University Ideological and Political Education under the Background of Major Epidemic Prevention and Control
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2020.99208, PDF, 下载: 627  浏览: 1,146 
作者: 张 咪:电子科技大学马克思主义学院,四川 成都
关键词: 新冠肺炎疫情高校思想政治教实践转向COVID-19 Pandemic Ideological and Political Education in University Practice Transition
摘要: 在新冠肺炎重大疫情背景下高校思想政治教育凝聚、导向与激励功能的发挥对聚合青年大学生群体抗疫力量具有重大意义,发挥高校思想政治教育的功能作用需要充分认识到在重大疫情的影响下思想政治教育面临着学生主体心理变化显著、教育环境呈现双重变化、教育方式转向线上等新情况。并且,心理健康教育、社会责任感教育以及爱国主义教育已成为特殊时期高校思想政治教育的重要内容,这就要求高校思想政治教育更加关注学生主体、净化网络教育环境、构建线上思政大课堂,从而实现疫情防控过程中思想政治教育的实践转向。
Abstract: In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the function of cohesion, guidance and motivation of university ideological and political education are of great significance for gathering the anti-epidemic forces of young college students. To give full play to the function of university ideological and political education, it is necessary to fully realize that under the influence of the major epidemic, ideological and political education is facing new situations such as significant psychological changes of students, double changes of educational environment and online change of educational modes. In addition, mental health education, social responsibility education, and patriotism education have become important content of university ideological and political education in special times. This requires that university ideological and political education should pay more attention to student subjects, purify the online education environment, and construct online ideological and political classrooms, so as to realize the practical transformation of ideological and political education in the process of epidemic prevention and control.
文章引用:张咪. 重大疫情防控背景下高校思想政治教育的实践转向[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2020, 9(9): 1500-1509. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2020.99208


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