Research on the Relationship between Family Branches and Economic Development of Liangshan Yi Area
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2020.99207, PDF, 下载: 756  浏览: 899  科研立项经费支持
作者: 侯拉坡:西昌学院,四川 西昌
关键词: 家支关系凉山彝区经济发展Family Branch Liangshan Yi Area Economic Development
摘要: 家支关系是彝族人民在历史长河中所创造的灿烂文化的重要组成,是长期与生存环境斗争过程中凝结出来的智慧的结晶。文章抓住家支关系中对推动彝区经济发展所呈现出的积极性作用,思考了在新的时代背景下,如何进一步放大这些积极性作用,从而为彝区乡村振兴和全面小康保驾护航、做出新的贡献。
Abstract: The family branch is an important component of the splendid culture created by the Yi people in the long history, and it is the crystallization of wisdom condensed out in the long struggle with the living environment. This paper takes into account the positive role of the family branches in promoting the economic development of the Yi nationality areas, and considers how to further amplify these positive roles in the new era, so as to make new contributions to the revitalization and overall prosperity of the Yi nationality areas villages.
文章引用:侯拉坡. 家支关系与凉山彝区经济发展研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2020, 9(9): 1496-1499. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2020.99207


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