The Social Foundations of “Modern Nostalgia”
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2020.99205, PDF, 下载: 647  浏览: 969 
作者: 董彦峰:北京大学,社会学系,北京
关键词: “乡愁”类型社会性基础“Nostalgia” Types Social Foundations
摘要: 基于以往哲学、文学、美学角度审视“乡愁”的局限,本文试图勾勒两种不同的“乡愁”类型,并探究“现代乡愁”的社会性基础。本文首先简要概括了“乡愁”的意涵、特征与生成条件;其次阐明“传统乡愁”和“现代乡愁”两种理念型在时空条件、承载主体、客体指向、表现形式、客体特征、心理体验、触发情境和商品转化诸方面的不同,以及在“传统乡愁”向“现代乡愁”过渡阶段,“乡愁”自身的特点及其群体差异;最后指出:人们生活方式和联结纽带的转变,奠定了“现代乡愁”作为一种抽象情感依托的社会基础;乡村与城市互为他者的文化建构及其意象的“颠转”,构成了“现代乡愁”生成的话语形式及其时空条件;乡土变迁中“社会底蕴”的稳固性与特定的时代氛围,为“乡愁”扩展为近乎全社会共享的情感体验,提供了内在文明基础与外在社会条件。
Abstract: Based on the limitations of the previous philosophical, literary, and aesthetic views on “nostalgia”, this article attempts to outline two different types of “nostalgia” and explores the social basis of “modern nostalgia”. First, this article briefly summaries the connotation, characteristics and emerging conditions of “nostalgia”. Secondly, it clarifies the two different types of “traditional nostalgia” and “modern nostalgia” in terms of the conditions of time and space, major carrier, object orientation of nostalgia, expressive forms, the characteristics of object of nostalgia, the contexts triggering nostalgia, and commodity transformation, and in the transition stage from “traditional nostalgia” to “modern nostalgia”, “nostalgia” has its own characteristics and group differences. Finally, it is pointed out that the transformation of people’s lifestyles and bond ties has laid the foundation of “modern nostalgia” as an abstract emotional support; the cultural construction of the countryside and the city seeing each other as the others and the “reversal” of their images constitute the discourse forms and the time-space conditions; the stability of “social ground” and the specific atmosphere of the time in social changes provide the inner civilization foundation and external social conditions for the expansion of “nostalgia” into a shared emotional experience by the majority.
文章引用:董彦峰. “现代乡愁”的社会性基础[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2020, 9(9): 1472-1482. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2020.99205


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