Exploring the Contemporary Value of Community with Shared Future for Mankind Based on the Capital Logic Perspective
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2020.99204, PDF, 下载: 613  浏览: 971 
作者: 梁婧凯:北京师范大学马克思主义学院,北京
关键词: 资本逻辑人类命运共同体时代价值Capital Logic Community with Shared Future for Mankind Contemporary Value
摘要: 人类命运共同体作为中国积极参与全球治理、解决全球问题的重大倡议,具有强烈问题意识和现实关怀。资本逻辑的蔓延是人类命运共同体所面临的最大时代背景,资本逻辑主导下呈现的种种问题与困境是人类命运共同体所面临的时代问题,人类命运共同体思想对当今时代资本逻辑困境的思考与回应和其中蕴含的对人的存在与发展的终极关切体现其时代价值。
Abstract: As a major initiative that China takes part in global governance and solving global problems ac-tively, the community with shared future for mankind has strong global problem consciousness and the spirit of concern about reality. The biggest background of the community with shared future for mankind facing is the global spread of capital logic, and the problem that it faces is various problems and dilemmas under the leadership of capital logic. The thought of the community with shared future for mankind reflects its contemporary value by thinking and responding to the dilemmas of capital logic in the present era and containing the ultimate concern for the existence and development of human beings.
文章引用:梁婧凯. 基于资本逻辑视角探讨人类命运共同体的时代价值[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2020, 9(9): 1467-1471. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2020.99204


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